This research has been financed in part by the funds granted to the Faculty of Management, Cracow University of Economics, Krakow, Poland, within the subsidy for maintaining research potential. The world shrank from size "large" to size "medium.". individuals, organizations, or countries. These chocolates were given to students. [15] Henderson, C., Beach, A., & Finkelstein, N. (2011). Roztocki and Weistroffer (Citation2016) proposed a broad framework linking ICT and socioeconomic development. Thus it may be interesting to explore if shortcomings in a specific concept could be compensated by an extraordinary performance of some other concept. Within the business dimension, we differentiate between what is going on, i.e. This means they cannot afford to buy period products A digital ideas platform to support child-focused, Four fun waste-to-craft projects for children, Art, Development and Peace. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has become increasingly essential and part of the way we live our lives. The Palvia etal. His research interests include enterprise systems, ICT for development, and ICT for active and healthy aging. Co-design methodology involves participation of various stakeholders in the implementation project and better utilizes the available human capital in synergy with the technology. This is a bottom-up approach to the plan. The education details recorded from the seven randomly selected students in each school included previous computer study results and the general performance (the total points for all subjects). Thus while ICT may provide a means for socioeconomic development, social constraints, such as religious perceptions and mobility restrictions on women, need to be addressed to achieve the desired improvements to information access, employment opportunities, social status, education, and social awareness. (2010), most of the higher education institutions in Italy have experienced essential changes that have been derived from sustainable, technological, and social trends towards Digitization. (2016). Buabeng-Andoh (2012) points out that many computers have been deployed in schools and colleges in Italy. Finally, the eighth paper, Enterprise system implementations in transition and developed economies: differences in project contracting and governance, by Przemysaw Lech, is a view from practice. (2010). The framework also is limited in its focus on developing countries and does not claim to be applicable to highly developed societies. We strongly believe that future investigation into the role of ICT in development must be framed within a multiple stakeholder perspective. Though these existing frameworks show that research on better understanding the effects of ICT on socioeconomic development is alive and well, there are also clear gaps that call for further investigation. According to Henderson (2011), the use and importance of ICT in any country's development efforts cannot be overemphasized in whatever aspect, be it economic, social, or economic. It has made access to information easy along with aiding to link remote areas. Of the allocated budgets, an increase is expected from year to year because the number of students enrolling in schools for education keeps on increasing. Facilitating change in undergraduate STEM instructional practices: An analytic review of the literature. Low-cost online platforms have been established to educate the students regardless of where they are. Government policies also strongly affect the general infrastructure. The seventh paper, An exploratory study of the determinants of information technology hardware production: a country-level analysis, by Namchul Shin and Jason Dedrick examines the factors that impact hardware production in various countries. ICT enables economies to interact with each other around the globe, and the current fast ICT mode makes globalization a reality in today's technological world. Italy has started enhancing and readying its education system to use ICT for learning and teaching; this is being done through building an education system that can integrate ICT within its system. Infrastructure refers to the fundamental facilities and services available for an economy to function. Studies from time immemorial have documented that the role of ICT on sustainable education is crucial and has significant leverage to reduce the carbon footprint in other industries. Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to benefit the environment has favored sustainable education, which has helped bring forth responsible and more aware students. Technical equipment as cell phone, internet, telephone and microchip have contributed to globalisation by exchanging ideas, capital and people to make convenient to move from one place to another as a fast pace to stimulate the process of globalisation. According to the Palvia etal. The Effects of Globalization on Global Communication. Paying attention to this, the school-age population contributes to 20.9% of the total population on average, that is, the ages of 5-17. Identifying test schools and then studying them to see the effectiveness will make it possible and much easier to consider issues that might not be addressed effectively on a broader scale. International organizations are influential on socioeconomic development as they are endowed with substantial resources and can determine load conditions and organize bailouts for distressed economies (Broome, Homolar, & Kranke, Citation2017), thus having a major impact on availability of capital resources. The role of information and communication technology and financial These demands have remained basic; however, as societies grow, more complexities arise (Brush, 2008). Framework for the role of ICT in socioeconomic development, Information and communication technologies, Technology has revolutionized the global economy and has become critical competitive strategy. With respect to the former, Mengesha and Garfield indicate the need for further work on acceptance of telemedicine, with the purpose of strengthening their proposed model with better explanatory and predictive power. What Is Information and Communication Technology? - Indeed Expert Systems with Applications, 65, 398-422. The Role of Communication Technology in Today's Society In Nigeria, ICT has even been used to enhance the quality assurance procedures in Nigerian universities. With most of these countries having a high fertility rate, the number of children is continually increasing, putting pressure on the public system to provide efficient and effective services that touch on essential factors like health and education. Because ICT equipment is prone to failure if not used correctly, a support facility must be set up to assist schools and teachers. This is done by providing both hardware and software that will help in administration and ensure that there are networking facilities catered for. In essence, it depicts some guidelines how to conduct research on ICT-led socioeconomic development at the community level. In addition to this, the Italian schools will then need to formulate and implement policies that involve educators in the decision and planning process regarding ICT use in schools. The Undervalued Impact of Communication Technology on Globalization framework is that it also shows possible negative impacts of ICT, such as lack of attention (as part of cultural evolution) and criminal use. In particular, Kowal etal. Developing new theories or using existing theories is particularly valuable, as much of the research on socioeconomic development is currently lacking theoretical lenses (Sein etal., Citation2018). (Citation2018), in turn, describe an example that the use of cellular phones is beneficial to small businesses in gaining additional customers. The Effects of Globalization on Global Communication | Bizfluent Does technology integration "work" when key barriers are removed? There was a pilot project in 1992 to integrate ICT into the Chilean education system. By allowing avenues for protecting the environment, ICT through technology has been key to improving society's development and economy. The content to be used must be evaluated and be reviewed periodically to ensure that it still meets the said and required quality. (PDF) INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY - ResearchGate [16] Aristovnik, A. By using ICT, students have been able to be agents of change and transformation in society. The paper highlights the importance of all four dimensions in our framework on socioeconomic development, as technology factors, as well as business factors (business environment), society factors (education and human capital), and policy factors (regulations) are influential in varying degrees on e-business diffusion. When expanding to general ICT, some of the relationships likely still apply, though some of the detailed results may not be applicable. Our special issue has eight papers that examine various aspects of socioeconomic development. To achieve this, we examined the impact of ICT on Italian education and whether Italy's implementation impacts students' performance. Fu et al. [7] Lowther, D. L., Inan, F. A., Daniel Strahl, J., & Ross, S. M. (2008). The results of this study suggest that the adoption and use of telemedicine is affected substantially by facilitating conditions' and compatibility with medical practice,' which maps into business environment and culture in our framework. This framework builds on several earlier frameworks but it is more general in context and focus, considering all ICT, rather than specific types of ICT, and applying to all economies and regions, rather than only less developed economies. He has experience in industry as an ERP consultant, system analyst and software developer. ICT in education policy and practice in developing countries: South Africa and Chile compared through SITES 2006. Narcyz Roztocki is a professor in the School of Business at the State University of New York at New Paltz, USA and professor in the Department of Accounting at Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland. In addition, we examined the papers within this special issue with respect to these concepts and the relationships between them. in economies that are in transition or have recently transitioned from a centrally planned economic system to a market driven system. democracy; and the physical environment through sustainable development. What is the Role Of ICT? (Information & Communication Technology) [19] Fu, J. Working with adolescents living in internally dis, How does period poverty have a negative effect on teenage girls?. Factors influencing teachers adoption and integration of information and communication technology into teaching: A review of the literature. Globalization and Technology | Introduction to Sociology We realize that many other relationships may actually be bidirectional in specific contexts; however, we decided to illustrate the most significant associations relevant for various settings. in their paper in this special issue, understanding of information systems success and evaluating the impact of ICT systems should be done in a wider context, through engagement with all stakeholders. Also, it is limited to ES technology, rather than ICT in general. His research interests include information technology for development, systems analysis and design, and computer-assisted decision-making. Once the teachers and instructors have understood the ultimate goal of ICT in education is for sustainability, then the entire process will be efficiently implemented. ICT has been seen as a critical factor that expands access to education because, with it, education can occur at any time and anywhere. We emphasize that socioeconomic development plays the role of the dependent variable in our framework. Education is another sector that is going to be significantly influenced, as we will see. Role of Technology in Globalization with Reference to Business Increasingly, communication technology is viewed as a kind of platform. The authors put forward that co-design, as an approach to developing ICT solutions, should be considered by all governments, ICT practitioners, and researchers in the ICT4D field. On the administrative and ICT infrastructure prospect challenges that have been faced as listed by, most administrators in the education system will focus more on the quantity of the education content being provided rather than on the ICT usage. Kowal etal. After discussing our own proposed framework, we introduce the eight papers in this special issue and put them in the context of the proposed framework. According to Brush (2008), one of the best means of attaining the SDG goal for education is ICT, as it has portrayed a very high potential. We assert that development takes place in both underdeveloped economies, as well as in highly developed economies, and while the effects of specific factors may vary in the strength and focus of their impact, the general concepts and relationships in our framework still apply. (2013). The government has helped the schools design their customized education projects, which have further catapulted these ICT projects' success. shifts include: (1) Globalization of higher education. Role of Information Systems in the 21st Century Organization |Scranton Thus we are confident that our framework will serve as an aide to future researchers in directing and focusing their work, dealing with technology for socioeconomic development. Further, Digitization has enabled students to move into an era of digital learning, spearheaded by ICT's adoption as an interconnected environment. Globalization is a formidable obstacle for operation management. There is an initiative to have one-teacher-per-student, but this has been a matter of contention, so the consequence that follows has been a decrease in the available comity of teaching facilities and resources. This is also mainly because the educational institutions lack the appropriate administrative support from the relevant authority to ensure effective use. Moreover, technology in a narrow sense can be understood as an ensemble of machineries and procedures (Borgmann, Citation2006). In: Global Information Technology Management, Vol. The study in this paper analyses the impact of growth in communication technology on globalization. There are roughly eight computers for every 100 students in grade 8. This means that Italy is not well-positioned compared to other countries within the same region as far as IT equipment in schools is concerned. Furthermore, the framework does not explicitly show other important factors, such as human resource development, though some of these are discussed by the author in the description of the framework. Unfortunately, many girls around the world face what is known as "period poverty." Information and communication technologies (ICT) play a significant role in all aspects of modern society. The role of technology in globalization - The Exchange The business dimension impacts the society dimension as it creates demand for human resources and allows investments in human and social capital (Palvia etal., Citation2018). Different worlds? In general, the understanding of business environment can be very broad and is best defined as a complex system of policy, legal, institutional, and regulatory conditions that govern business activities (DCED, Citation2008). We then analyzed our data using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to examine any relationship between students' performance in ICT and all subjects. Attitudinal and behavioral barriers of technology adoption by teachers. Specifically, the paper reports on a study of potential differences in organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of female and male IT professionals in Poland and Germany. The role of global entities, such as international organizations and multinational corporations (MNCs) in socioeconomic development, is particularly interesting. Educational Media International, 45(3), 195-213. The third paper, Organizational citizenship behavior of IT professionals: lessons from Poland and Germany, by Jolanta Kowal, Alicja Keplinger, and Juho Mki, focuses on the relationship between the social dimension and the business dimension. The selection process for students who were to be included in the study sample in each school was also carried out randomly. This journal aims to review the number of ways that the ICT sector has contributed to achieving these SDGs in education. The validity and appropriateness of the used methods to analyze data are also discussed. The main task in achieving sustainable education for all by 2030 has been converting the education environment into more learner-centered (Snchez et al., 2011). The sixth paper, Discovering the determinants and predicting the degree of e-business diffusion using the decision tree method: evidence from Montenegro, by Biljana Rondovi, Ljiljana Kaelan, Vujica Lazovi, and Tamara urikovi, uses a decision three method to assess the impact of technical, organizational and environmental factors on e-business in Montenegro, a transition economy. In developing our own multi-dimensional and broadly applicable framework, we took from these existing frameworks only those aspects that seem to apply in general contexts. In most of the prior research carried out on the impact of technology in education, researchers have pointed out that technology-enhanced learning has facilitated knowledge and skill acquisition. This is mainly through applications that have been designed purposefully to meet a variety of needs. On the other hand, from our data analysis, we have established a significant correlation between computer performance and general performance (in all subjects) from the ANOVA results. Overall we were able to identify only six previously published frameworks that attempt to explain the effects of ICT on some aspects of socioeconomic development. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 10(1), 149-161. Another important area for future research is the role of age in ICT implementation and acceptance. (2012) point out that most Italian schools have relatively low ICT penetration into their schools. ICT is an increasingly powerful tool used to teach, learn, and perform assessments in the education sector; thus, changes and reforms must achieve sustainable education for all. International Journal of Education and Development Using ICT, 6(3), 101-123. Role of ICT in Shaping the Future of the Pakistani Higher Education System. In particular, the authors demonstrate the role of citizenship behavior in the job market. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 3(2), 113-122. Palvia etal. Impact of communication technology on globalization - India Study Channel The lack of proper and appropriate software, hardware, and materials has also been an enormous challenge so far. For example, motivated by environmental consideration and to reduce air pollution, governments may push sales of electric vehicles while investing in charging infrastructure (Lopez-Behar etal., Citation2019). In this introduction to the special issue on the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in socioeconomic development, we provide a conceptual framework that considers four dimensions that impact socioeconomic development: policy, business, technology, and society. Compared with other countries within the EU, Italy has an ICT infrastructure implementation percentage of roughly 6% against the average 37% (Gil-Flores, 2017). Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 441-449. The impact of ICT on educational performance and its efficiency in selected EU and OECD countries: a non-parametric analysis. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(4), 63-73. Piotr Soja is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Cracow University of Economics (CUE), Poland. Technology has helped us in overcoming the major hurdles of globalization and international trade such as trade barrier, lack of common ethical standard, transportation cost and delay in information Spanning 93,030 square kilometres (35,920 sq mi) of the Carpathian Basin, it is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east . [10] Polizzi, G. (2011). ICT is an increasingly powerful tool used to teach, learn, and perform assessments in the education sector; thus, changes and reforms must achieve sustainable education for all. According to Brush (2008), ICT for education sustainability has helped students and learners across the world access educational material more effectively and efficiently. The framework also shows ICT impact on cultural evolution, indicated by changes in human behavior. According to Shaikh (2011), most of these countries will be forced to inject tremendous resources into the educational sector to achieve sustainable education for all. Globalization (article) | 1990s America | Khan Academy Madon emphasizes the importance of intermediary institutions, including government actions, which facilitate the effect of the Internet on socioeconomic development. Information and communication technology (ICT) has boosted intercultural communication considerably in the past decades. Technological globalization refers to the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. Governments can now exchange data, research, analysis, and reports with each other on a real-time basis and this has led to increased cooperation between . In essence, we reviewed the existing frameworks for common elements or constructs. The role of information and communication technologies in mitigating carbon emissions: evidence from panel quantile regression Muhammad Khalid Anser, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Azhar Khan, Khalid Zaman, Abdelmohsen A. Nassani, Sameh E. Askar, Muhammad Moinuddin Qazi Abro & Ahmad Kabbani Countries like Italy usually face considerably high education challenges and might be hindered from attaining the 2030 goal.