Whereas Jensen was usually uptight and half a second away from panicking at any given second, Jared was usually calm. Can the unlikely couple from completely different words end up falling in love and becoming a family?Warnings: Mpreg obviously! As I sit on the greyhound bus, I can t help but worry about Dean. fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean | pre-pregnancy | d/s; incubi/succubi; self-lubrication; vampires. I do not own any Supernatural characters. #mpreg story #mpreg fic #mpreg #mpreg birth #mpreg kink #fanfiction #a03 #original work. He was aware that he might be sounding a bit childish, but he was exhausted, and it wasnt just his stomach that hurt, his whole body ached and he wasnt sure he had the strength to deliver a second child. Not that you were really listening. Priceless!!! You had been pushing for what felt like hours. Hey, Im right here, Jared soothed. Something is wrong with Dean, something that will change his life and the lives of everyone around him forever. Oh, and it's a boy!" Both Dean and I were dumbfounded, as we both looked at the life we'd apparently created and then at each other. You can bring our baby into the world. With Deans encouragement and a sniffle, you prepared to push again. When, what was definitely a labor contraction and not Braxton Hicks forced a strangled gasp from him and broke his concentration again, Jensen knew he could no longer deny it. And then Dean shakes his head, and offers Sam a hand up, says, "Gray thing grabbed me. Y/N, babyare you in labor? You sniffled and actually managed a nod as the pain subsided. Jared watches the sunrise and thinks about his husband; thousands of miles away, and yet he still has Jensen's voice in his ear. Another contraction hit, this one much stronger than the ones before, and you gasped. ! Dean nodded and didnt say another word. I answer, staring into the pot of boiling chili on the stove top. Theyre a little late, dont you think? Jeff joked to which Jensen wasnt sure whether to laugh or get angry at the ridiculous amount of time it took them to get there. Thank you! And Alpha!Cas will do anything for his mate. Bottom Jimmy Novak (Supernatural) Happy Ending When Dean moved into his new apartment, he knew his life would never be the same again. You dont know that, Jensen pouted even if Jared couldnt see him. Despite how much he didnt want to admit it, every instinct Jensen had was screaming at him that they did not have time to make the twenty minute drive to the hospital. Or Do I? You can do this, babe.. Everyone else finishing early, except a few others, Jensen ended up being the one of last people left in the testing room with Professor Morgan overseeing, sitting at his desk, feet kicked up and reading what might have been a Stephen King novel. What happens next is up to the writer. Jared might have the job that would have others jealously glaring at him for, but what they didn't know was that it was truly an occupation designated to test Jared's anger management. The little boy seemed to instantly snuggle into you when Castiel placed him on your chest. The tiny baby was reverently placed into his arms as Jared carefully picked up their first son from the couch and cradled him to his chest. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! 3(Crowley x fem!Winchester reader), The Sun Meets the Sea pt. Actually, the number one and three spots could easily be swapped. He knows just the bitches to start having his puppies for him. But an urge scratches in them until they can't resist going back and letting it happen again, this time though they can't bring themselves to harm the spawn/eggs and just leave them all over the country periodically returning to do it all over again. Hes so tiny, Dean whispered, running his finger over the back of his sons hand. So he takes what jobs he can that fit around taking care of the baby, including one as a life drawing model. Dean and Cas are on a journey to expand their family, and the road is bumpy - but alls well that ends well. Take the baby! he demanded. fic | g | castiel/dean | pregnancy | fluff. In an AU where men are either omegas or alphas, Dean goes into heat in the middle of a hunt. You tried to nod, but couldnt. Since hehad begun to show dressing grew increasingly more difficult. Jensen was somewhat aware at this point that he was, in fact, in labor, but he was still deep in denial. Sam was still pretty worried about well, about a lot of things really, but had decided it would be better to just keep his concerns to himself from here on out. But I appreciate the offer. Picked names for these two yet? Jeffs gruff voice startled him. Also they screwed as well. You were waddling behind him, your lip between your teeth. Falling (Sam Winchester x fem!reader x Dean Winchester), Birth in the Bunker (Dean Winchester x fem!reader), My Demon King (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader), What Are You Doing?! I dont know what we would have done without you., You just stop by for a visit with some coffee and those twins of yours and well call it even.. Jensen nodded tightly in response, accepting Jeffs offered hand and crushing it in his grip as another cramp tore through his stomach. I dont think theyre going to get here in time, he quietly admitted. Jensen didnt respond to that, mostly because he was busy pushing and party because he wasnt so sure that was true. Heaven isnt exactly the most fond of nephilim, so they have to enlist all of the help that they can without alerting the other angels. Jared reluctantly handed Lucas over to the EMTs care as Lane was taken from his arms. fic | nc-17 | dean/sam | pregnancy | fingering; lactation. He did the calculations, using previous exam averages as a standard, calculating a bell curve on those averages, accounting for standard deviations and errors and certain variables, and all Jensen needed was approximately a 55 to still get an A in Professor Morgans class. When Dean wakes up with all the wrong parts in all the right places, his primary concern is figuring out who stole his dick and how to get it back. (Read and find out more).NOTE: THIS IS AN ALPHA/ALPHA FIC. I want Jared, he demanded through his tears. Castiel was unsure what to do as well. Good girl, Y/N. Total Eclipse of the Heart: A SPN Fanfic. Why did the man have a blanket in his office? Two days in, we were still holding position, valiantly fighting off the enemy, when this heavily pregnant woman approaches our barricade from the village. Can you fly her there? Castiel shook his head and explained that it would not be safe for the baby. Wait Jeff, he snagged his Professors wrist and stared pleadingly into his eyes. Jared sank to his knees next to him, grabbing the hand that Jensen reached out towards him. Im almost there, sweetheart. But then, when everything seems lost, Crowley makes an offer that Dean is not in the position to refuse. Not every kink is everyone's cup of tea. Supernatural fans know that there's a very short list of what Dean Winchester holds nearest and dearest, and it would probably go in the order of: 1.) Character pages (Characters with over five fics get their own page; those with less can be found under 'other', where a pregnant!character tag has been added to the line of tags.) Apparently Dean and Castiel have been very busy in the future. This time, Sam and Dean thought they knew what they were in for, but this pregnancy quickly becomes much more complicated than the first one. fic | r | dean/sam, dean/john (past) | pregnancy |. The man was laid back, just like Jared, and he was the kind of teacher where students actually wanted to show up to his class every day. The phone rings. Even worse: Dean appears to be pregnant, and they cant think of an explanation for that either. The strong, "I got you, baby boy. a very tired and sore Dean has to help his brother give birth. Sort of. Dean is given to Sam for marriage in a political move made by his brother. Jensen took stock of his situation, how close the contractions were at barely a minute apart, how he could almost feel the first twin pushing lower, demanding to be let out as the pressure grew to be unbearable. "A boy? Even when Cas is dating Meg and Dean just might be falling in love with his tailor/friend with benefits. His next cognizant moment was the clear cry of his baby in the otherwise silent office, and then a tiny little body was placed gently in his arms, which still felt like jello and didnt feel nearly strong enough to hold such a great responsibility. You cant help when you go into labor, kid. Jensen had everything meticulously planned out, down to a T, so carefully detailed that he even had a list painstakingly crafted with all the finer factors. He needed to hand in the test, call Jared, and then get to the hospital as soon as possible. fic | r | castiel/dean/sam, sam/zachariah | pregnancy | non-con | angst; character death (minor). Your baby is in the right position, Jeff interceded, taking Jensens attention away from his family and towards the saint delivering his children. The streets are flooding bad, Dean said. Throwing his head back, he crushed Jareds fingers as he made a noise that was somewhere between a moan and a strangled nugh sound. When Dean unexpectedly goes into heat, a soulless Sam offers to help him through it. But authors either are MIA on AO3 as well, or changed, fic or art | rating | pairing/s | pregnancy/pre-pregnancy/post-pregnancy**. A good time is had by all, but the condom breaks. The reason Dean is nesting in season 8? Pregnant Dean Winchester Cunnilingus It would have been easier, he thought, if he had just said 'a stranger. Pairing: Jared/Jensen. And Jared, Jeff smiled. 2 -Not a Weakness(Crowley x fem!Winchester reader), Age Don't Mean a Thing (John Winchester x fem!reader), Two Demons & a Winchester (Crowley x fem!reader x Cain), Three's Company (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader x Cain)AU, Spilled Coffee (Dean Winchester x reader), FanfictionReally?! Prompt/Summary: Jensen is a college student and is almost 9 months pregnant and he is taking an exam. Not that Sam cares about that -- his only concern is that as much fun as watching Dean trying to stay (resentfully but obediently) flat on the floor with his stomach making that impossible is, he doesn't want the puppies to be hurt. Dean wakes up different- or maybe that's Sam. Dean walked into the room just as Sam made the comment. All ten fingers and toes. Sam finds himself suffering similar symptoms just as he realizes his boyfriend came back from Christmas break a demon. Sam and Dean investigate a small town where there is a bar whose male patrons seem to be walking out pregnant. fic | r | dean/ofc | pregnancy | birth (graphic); demonic pregnancy; whump. Too bad the twins never got the memo. Part 2 of "Kangaroo Man". I just want a lot of Dean holding his stomach protectively and John feeling guilty for being an asshole to Dean when he needed him the most. Or the story in which Jensen is 8 months pregnant and goes into labor with his twins during his final exam and Professor Morgan is awesome.Rating: P-13 for slash, mpreg, semi graphic description of birth, and a few curse wordsDisclaimer: I do not own nor do I know Jared, Jensen or JDM. huggh hugghh AAGGHHH! During a fun day event for the kids, in the small town of Harmony, the Alphas paths cross. Youre no fun, you know that, right? Dean pouts and crosses his arms like a petulant child, but its fine. You're a Queen. Castiel bit back another desperate, wanting sound. Is just trying to be helpful. Discovery. He followed Jareds gaze as his fiancs free hand reached out towards their child, a finger carefully stroking their sons tiny pink cheek. A pregnant man may not be an Act of God, but insurance sure as hell won't cover it regardless. He couldn't get an abortion, for who would believe that a man was pregnant, none the less actually perform one on a man. Jeff was a great mentor and he was one of things Jensen was going to miss most about college. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, There are a bunch of links on here -not just this list, the others too-, if I were you I'd go through and check them..