Are you saying that sprouts are off the list? Ive been wondering about this too. I scoured the web for supplements that help fight cancer. If fat people had the discipline to cut out all those things for the rest of their lives, they wouldnt be fat. The Plant Paradox Diet emphasizes whole, nutritious sources of protein and fat while banning nightshades, beans, legumes, grains, and most dairy. Youll find it nearly impossible to go astray when youve kicked all those lectin-filled foods to the curb and replaced them with this diverse selection of yummy YES foods. I wasnt sure I would like kefir, but I do. He has a clinic in Las Cruces, NM. Thanks Doc. These nuts are beneficial for health and are good to maintain a healthy heart . Lectin-Free Foods Oils and Fats Algae oil Olive oil (see my favorite) Grass-fed ghee I looked and found this on his site: Grains like corn, rice, or teff contain various lectins like zein (the principal protein of corn), or oryzenin (the principal protein of rice). You will quickly learn what foods to eat for a healthy life and what and why certain foods cause diseases. Do excersise where you lay down and you try to blow your belly as much you can, do this many times. Choices include venison, ostrich, and other game meats. Ive followed it as best as I could with buisy schedule while and feeding a family I think inflammation has gone down a bit but no weight loss yet.I was kind of wondering if all of the nuts, avocados and oil are preventing weight loss. And what about Blue Cheese. Almonds that are blanched, and the skin removed should be on the yes list. What if those healthy choices arent ACTUALLY healthy at all? give up my oatmeal, peanut butter, pumpkin, or occasional cottage cheese / greek yougart? Choices include venison, ostrich, and other game meats. What do you do about constipation on the Plan Paradox Program. Thank you Dr. Gundry. I would like to know which product Dr Gundry recommends me to purchase. Since it comes from a cow source, should I discontinue usage? They are pressure cooked, and 3. What a beautiful compendium! What on the yes list I cannot eat? Serve with dip made of yogurt and black olives blended in a blender. You will get a diarrhea and completely empty yourself, it is messy but that would help me survive the day. But am keen to cut out lectins. Pasture-raised meats and poultry, and some fruits, are allowed in moderation. Which is right? I am happy you posted your position and I suspect the same, Linda, Wow! I didnt see anything about apricot kernals, are they ok while on this diet!! All Rights Reserved. All you have to do is cut out 90% of all food and you lose weight. Talapia would be a no. Orange juice tends to contain mold as well. The Plant Paradox Diet emphasizes whole, nutritious sources of protein and fat while banning nightshades, beans, legumes, grains, and most dairy. This is like a cult. Finding similar useable brands of noodles etc in Australia is a challenge. The only way to have raw milk in Canada is to produce your own milk. I drink A2 milk. We are so thankful for the education and results and there are plenty of good tasty food options. I plan to start the diet using the list!! I would think tilapia is considered white fish so it should be fine. And you should only use the approved oils listed above, avoiding grapeseed, corn, peanut, cottonseed, sunflower, and canola oils. All while not depriving herself (shes had zero cravings). Squash and Pumpkin can be included on Phase 3 if pressure cooked, peeled and seeded. It adds to their survival. Hi there, can you tell me if you can get that brand in Calgary? I would like to make my own almond butter. This diet from U Mass is designed to change your gut microbiome, like Dr. Gundrys diet but uses different foods so Im confused. The foods you recommend are the ones that are lowest in these Aflatoxins so it makes sense WHY your diet works. It breaks my heart. My nose congestion that Ive had my entire life went away!! Thank you. Its a white rice I found easily in my grocery store. I have some questions regarding fruit. Tangerines? I live in South Africa and many of the products on the yes list are not available here. I have enough evidence for me to continue this way of eating. Thank you. What should the baby have when they introduce the solids and how do you raise the kids in this diet? Sustain from eating for as much you can after that. Im an avid and happy consumer of Vital Reds by Dr Gundry. I lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and lost 30 lbs in total and was always full. I am grateful that Dr. Gundry has laid out a full yes and no list and am going to go back to my healthy self. Beans are also good sources of potassium and magnesium, key minerals for your heart. Leigh, almonds can only be eaten if they are blanched the brown skin is taken off. Grains. Thank you. Dear Dr Torre, I hope you pulled through. Dr. Gundry never said that Beef and Pork is on his YES list. i.e. I have had trouble with pasteurized dairy for years, but I can drink this raw milk, raw cheese, raw milk ice cream and raw yogurt etc. 23) Quercetin Also I am over weight or should I say was. Still the best way is to eat IN MODERATION but its not only clear what that means it also in stuff that we do not even know it is in it. After all, with this treatment, lectins should be destroyed? Dr. Gundry actually has a YouTube video where he encourages us to enjoy almonds where the skin is removedpreferably blanched almonds. I googled it and only found recipes on how to gook Basmati Rice (Indian style). I am always leery of dentists that recommend a toothpaste, and a heart doctor who also is a gut expert, yet makes most of his money selling books! Here is an excerpt I found online that explains: Almond flour is OK and Marcona Almonds come peeled. Right now I am taking care of my granddaughter who is 3 months. I didnt see it on a list. What foods Dr. Gundry says to avoid? What about pineapple and quinoa? Ive been eating almond butter do I need to start the 3 day cleanse over ? On the site Select file from a new desktop file image. Natures Fare, in Canada, has unpasteurized milk. The only way you can do is if you go for more cheese and lots of salads. as most of us dont know what that means and we are living in a society that is filled with all kinds of distractions to make us overeat. Indian Basmati Rice is rice produced in India, as opposed to other locations (for example, Texas.) I just purchased Dr. Gundrys book and I cant wait to start a life without lectins! Many health nuts refuse to eat any soy product except those that are fermented. All the foods on the Bad list Do and Have caused inflammation for me. After being on plant paradox for a month, I lost 10 pounds, about 2-3 a week, and after 6 months, I had lost all 50 pounds! I need the crunch. Race pace is around 18min 5k (road). 21) turmeric (curcumin) What foods Dr. Gundry says to avoid? I learned. I have spent thousands on supplements, pills, potions, massage, accu-puncture, colonics, books and appointments. Is Kefir from A2, unpasteurized milk from Ontario, Canada, okay to drink? Is there a specific brand? I am hoping it is okay. ! My name is Beatrice and Im from Timishoara, Roumania I wish you all the best!!!. You can find it on audible too which is where i got it. I agree having watch his PBS promotion last evening, With all the breaks to petition subscribing to PBS. are tomato juice and other vegetable juices that contain tomato juice OK? My weekly migraines went away! Pasture raised is the only ones that are truly good for you. I am a vegetarian that is allergic to dairy and eggs. because at the Lecture dr. Gundery said that millions of peoples in the East ate white rice and that they new what they are doing. Dont forget your cooler! Ray, sourdough bread and grain free pasta can still be an option. Today nearly a year later I weigh 213 pounds, 65 pounds lighter and still losing. Banting bread is made from coconut and almond flour and is therefore fine. You'll avoid "white" foods such as rice, pasta, flour, mayonnaise, potatoes and milk. Basmati rice IS Indian. 3. Thank you!!. Thats why I created my eating program. Can this diet work for a vegan? Where do almonds fall on the yes/no list? Is yellow mustard on the Yes or No list? If he makes supplements, it is up to you whether you buy them!I guess you naysayers will never feel the benefits of Dr Gundrys research. Hey Linda, its very hard to be vegetarian and do these diets. The sun damage is has almost disappeared! I just saw a podcast by Dr. Gundry where he says to avoid beef, lamb and pork because they contain neu5Gc but yet they are on the Yes list. [13] And, theyre full of folate. Great guide i love the paradox book i have 1 thank you Gina. hello, is this where i am able to ask questions and recv. Instead, stick to the following. Definitely no raw kale. Anyone else here have IC issues? Even through my travels and work in Central America the poor heat their milk bc they have experienced and seen people get sick/die. are you still recommending this fruit juice? This diet seems a good adjunct to my gluten free diet. Stay in each phase as long as is necessary to help heal your specific problems. Goad milk. If your Acupuncturist targets your stomach and you get sicker than ever, it might be a clue. I find its readily available at our store called Valli Produce but, is still available at our regular grocery. The answer is, yes, almonds are plant paradox compliant when eaten without the skin because, you guessed, almond skin is high in lectins. And then we have chocolate milk is actually bloody milk. Dr. Gundry recommends consuming a wide but select variety of vegetables, wild-caught seafood, nuts, fats, oils and A2 milk dairy products. 19) MSM The Gundry plan works for alot of people but mayby for a host of different reasons who knows how this will eventially shake out but he is on to something. Your liver is overwhelmed converting the toxin into something non-toxic (acetate and acetaldehyde). 14 Opt for Then over the next week or so, the last 5% disappeared and it was HEAVENLY to suddenly have that pain gone! I noticed the majority of the recipes online bake them for 10 minutes first. Regarding unpasteurized or technically raw milk. Read the book. I went through your yes and no list and actually Ive been already following most of those for about 20 years. Im 57. Is that acceptable under high activity? Which lectins are According to Dr. Gundry, some nuts, such as cashew nuts, are seeds, and peanuts are legumes, both of which are high in lectin and should be avoided. I eat pretty well anyway but still use things that arent in your list of foods. So i would guess almonds (raw) are ok. Pastured or Omega 3 eggs are on page 4 of the yes list above in the Poultry section. Nothings easy but doc new all my symtoms when er couldnt tell me anything almost died started pills and diet looks like Adkins plus organic wont be that hard if u want to live. If you have type 1 diabetes could you get cured if u follow this diet? Bread is not okay, wherever its bought, if it has wheat flour, or any grain-based flour. Right! I have lost plenty of weight, and feel stronger and energized at 61 years young. Is that brand safe to eat lectin wise? What about buckwheat? It took awhile before I could tolerate them in small quantities. I am trying to lose 50 lbs, he is not heavy but wants to relieve joint pain and inflammation. Stir and let sit if using now or refrigerate in glass bowl for up to 5 days. On a good noteI was told bamboo shoots should be ok. Glad bamboo shoots are ok, I cant make my favorite Chinese food without bamboo shoots and water chestnuts. Im not nuts after all. Stick with this and dont get off track. Kefir. Is there a vegan do and dont list? I like Greek yoghurt as sour cream, still sour. Is there an alternative to Quorn products? And if you are dying for noodles, there are sweet potatoe starch glass noodles (only 1 ingredient) that are amazingly good, I made swedish meatballs with those and everyone loves them. I was sitting in my favorite saloon when a commercial came on for Lyrica. ITS CORN (sugar) and indigestable, why do so many peops her not know this? Ripe bananas (and other sweet fruit) are high in fructose. I personally, dont like cows milk but we cant reach the conclusion that its only beneficial for calves when the statistics speak for themselves. In theory, I want to pursue it, but it isnt working for me. You can make your own tomato sauce, but you will need to pressure cook the tomatoes. Are poppy seeds on the yes or no list? I am not interested in losing weight, just being inflammation free and healthy. He also recommends avoiding certain fruits and vegetables like peas, squash, tomatoes, melon, zucchini, peppers, and goji berries. Thank you! Hope this helps. Product of Turkey. WebThe tools to live a long and healthy life delivered straight to your inbox! There is the simple pizza that Italians make. Unpasteurized dairy is extremely healthy; pasteurized dairy is not. Where can it be purchased. I now take no meds. Almond flour is in the yes list. Whole cream is not fermented, but it is paseturized. You can eat Marcona Almonds. It turns out that avocados are high in histamine, which is one of the main culprits of many common allergies. Is there any wy you can remove me from tat So where am I now well after 4 days I was able to sleep after 10 days I didnt hurt at all I can get up in the morning and jog up those 14 steps steps 2 at a time, I have another house that my son lived in untill he moved to Maui that was just sitting and I have been remolding it exterior paint sheetrock repair wiring tile new bath fixtures the whole enchalida and Im doing it myself and Oh I have lost 41 lbs .Remember your health is first and foremost your responsibilty . Please do some research. Eating some apple will also stop heartburn. I am wondering if it has something to do with processing and all the persistent chemicals in our food system, Another genius who managed to work out a dream diet that actually works. there is this website called AMAZON that sells books. 01 May 2023 01:45:30 I can get goat milk so thats what I am going to do for recipes that a tad of milk would be good. So I got the book, am taking it seriously, and have already seen favorable results, after two weeks. I have the anaconda Dr. Gundry promised. Are the yes no lists applicable to both the plant paradox and the diet in the Diet Evolution book? I could not go up to the secound floor of my house until I had been up several hours and then it was only 1 step at a time and when I came down after a couple of hours of just sitting watching tv I had to stand sideways on the stairs and put both hands on the hand rail and come down the stairs 1 step at at a time and there is 14 steps I got high celings .I have been tested for everthing fibromyalgia blood disorders stomach disorders I have had complete blood workups lupus parasites lyme diseases you name it and they kept telling me well your getting older and everbody gets a little arthritic yada yada yada and then of course there is always the fallback of fibromylgia which isnt even a real disease its just a bunch of symptoms with no diagnosis as to what caused them rolled into one word look it up its just code for we really have know idea whats wrong with you. I think I have been following the meal plan accurately, but I would really like to talk with someone about it. This diet seems to rely heavily on avocados, so I am wondering why I am having a problem with them and what other options do I have. Seen more Doctors than I care to remember. hmmmmmmmmm. I dont trust money back guarantees. Spread mozzarella di buffala cheese and it will melt and cover your dough. Not at all! You are a great man I get four e-mails with the sam comment. There has no almonds in NUTS AND SEEDS, but Almond in FLOURS. DR. GUNDRY DIET: FOODS TO EAT AND FOODS TO AVOID FOODS TO EAT EVERY DAY ON THE GUNDRY MD DIET Avocados. In the Plant Paradox, Dr Gundry recommends the Keto version to starve tumors of sugar, as thats their main fuel source. Im starting it soon and am hoping for similar results. when i eat any unripened fruit, it causes me a tremendous amount of flatulence which triggers severe headaches. The really bloody milk is used as store bought chocolate milk to hide the awful color. 18) Ashwagandha I told her I had not because Medicare would not pay for it. Apparently hes done no harm, and his work has helped those for whom the product(s) of his research has worked. After studying the Gundry longevity book, I replaced long distance jogging with Yoga and meditation. Theirs is not organic and they source what they say are healthy grain feed so it has to have corn and soy. 01 May 2023 01:45:30 Nightshades for raw milk in Ontario. Im not even sure humans are meant to eat these foods. Is this also off limits? Yes if the brown skin is removed. Not sure what its called but it has a light layer of olive oil as the base with slices of fresh mozzarella and basil. Only an idiot would believe in this Gundry! Amazing My question is about one Indian dish: dosa. I then decided to write down what I COULD eat and that put a positive spin on my thoughts. Daily, my legs would ache as Id walk up the hill. However, whats your opinion on these fermented black and green teas? Hope you are feeling better. It is the oils in the shell and the nut that are the problem. This list is a bit too complicated for me I simply cut anything that comes from any grain. He told me that his mother went on it and found significant relief from her fibromyalgia. What if you have high triglycerides and cant have fat? 20) Devils claw root Coconut water is a bad one. What about the new gluten free sugar free Cheerios? Within 24 hours of being on the Plant Paradox way of eating, about 95% of it disappeared. Many thanks Lynne, Lynne, my good friend has same. Hi, Prepare your tomatoes (if you will have to Blanche to easily peel and de-seed). funny how my joints do not hurt anymore and my indigestion/heartburn is totally gone! There is a diet from U Mass for UC and Crohns that I have been following that include pumpkin, oatmeal, nut butters, kefir, Greek yogurt and other NO foods on Dr. Gundrys list. Very high in sugar. "Beige" foods such as bagels, chips, crackers, cookies and pastries are forbidden. The book explains very well why certain foods can have such ill affects on some people, considering the origin of these foods. When you come to Australia my house is yours, you can stay for ever here. Avoid processed foods, nightshade vegetables, lectin-heavy nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, A1 dairy products, and grain-fed and farm-raised animal proteins. I weighed 278 pounds at 5 10 the day I started. These include bison, wild game, venison, boar, elk, pork, lamb, beef, and prosciutto. In the case of squash I cooked it in a slow cooker adding brown sugar. I have been drinking GTs Kombucha for the past 9 months as a digestive aid and because I like the taste.