I havent had a soda in over 20 years. Want to attend a conference and hear Dr. And that shes full of it. My micronutrient levels were all well above average with the exception of a slight deficiency in biotin. Where? It does not determine our health. This about the fact she makes more money than you do and she has a bigger following and is more famous, right? Stress is often associated with disease, but it is not specifically a cause of disease. Not only is she not medically trained, but she is also not theologically trained. I started viewing some of Dr. Leafs online videos. However, if someones brain is not as healthy as it should be (whether from a lack of nutrition or exposure to toxins in the environment), it does not produce the necessary levels of oxytocin, which can negatively impact how this person bonds with a loved one, thereby directly impacting the quality of that relationship and potentially setting it up for failure. 29. Neither are meant to be taken literally. Does that association enhance my argument? Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. Cussenot, O. and Valeri, A., Heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility to prostate cancer. Though I can be even more concise if you want: I downloaded your ebook about Dr. Lisa Teurset? Tell your pastor. Continued research will increase the number of participants to assess continuance of the correlations amongst a larger sample. This suggests that hopeless and negative thinking may be the result of depression, rather than the cause of it. (Lewinsohn, P. M., Steinmetz, J. L., Larson, D. W., & Franklin, J. You raise some very interesting points, some of which are certainly reasonable assumptions and observations. I was immediately sceptical of the value of what struck me as a project for evolving new or modernised Christian doctrines, based more, or as much upon what passes for science these days, than (or as) upon any of the traditional authorities for Christian doctrine. I am following my innermost values and Gods calling for my life, standing up for the truth against those who would profit from lies and hurt innocent people in the process. 4. Leaf'steamis not allowed publish theirresearch findings ahead of the peer reviewed journal article, here is some information on theircurrent research projects. She is just sharing her research and her personal experience to bring some hope and a natural alternative to anxiety infested, pharmaceutically dependent, malnutritioned, stressed out people. Leaf online. Womens Color confrence? You have to fufill all training requirements to become a certified facilitator, inclduing the final open book exam that has to be completed 9-10 weeks after training. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and Ph.D. in Communication Pathology, and a BSc in Logopaedics from the University of Cape Town and the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Interesting study, and thanks again for the reference, but it certainly doesnt change my mind when it comes to the validity (or non-validity, as it were) of Dr Leafs teaching. Leaf is currently conducting and publishing clinical trials using the 5-step program she developed while in private practice to further demonstrate the effectiveness of mind-directed techniques to help relieve mental ill-health problems such as anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts. Dr Leaf extensively misquotes scripture and takes it out of context, torturing it to try and force it to match her fake science. I have been impressed by Jonathan Cahn, Dennis and Jennifer Clark, and Sid Roth. Thanks. A study by the American Medical Association found that stress is a factor in 75% of all illnesses and diseases that people suffer from today. She fails to reference this study. Teachers that I have respected and am now questioning myself today Christine Cain is one? Murea, M., et al., Genetic and environmental factors associated with type 2 diabetes and diabetic vascular complications. Whenever I come across blogs like this one, I look for that one thread: Money. You also say that Scriptures are super clear about fear and the power of our thought lives. Can you list which ones? So I guess irritation is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you! Ive done my soul-searching and I dont need to do any more. A robust discussion provides the information required for people to make an informed choice. Key findings from the 2021 State of the U.S. No pressure at all. The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. With complete disregard, for the help she has given. Thought is a trickle of conscious information that is a tiny part of a torrent of information processed subconsciously. Thank you so much for sharing this. How to Identify, Understand & Heal PTSD (with Kati Morton) This, in turn, increases our cognitive performance, boosting our mental and physical health by positively impacting the way our brain and body functions on a day-to-day basis. By your logic, we should dispense with all scientific knowledge that we cant cross-reference with the Bible, but the Bible and science are not mutually exclusive. This is why we should never forget that what we think affects how we feel, and our physical health can impact what we think, say and do. This is a bit of a lengthy read, but I hope it is worthwhile. Specifically, Newson and Thiagarajan (2019) call for researchers to contribute to the creation of a large QEEG database of data that might be assessed altogether. Globally, mental health concerns are growing. 58(4): 371-7. The research that Dr Leaf is alluding to is a paper written by Bredesen [20]. So at least I felt I had done what I could to let the original theorist know of this (to what I felt was akin to) plagiarism and taking credit where none is due to Dr Leaf! So just relax, tell yourself you will eventually sleep, do something constructive, and make a plan to catch up on your sleep over the next few days. If you wish to read my story and to read what science and scripture say about mental health and illness, youre welcome to read my books: Kintsukuroi Christians Turning Mental Brokenness into Beauty is a book for Christians and their loved ones to better understand that mental illness doesnt have to leave us broken and useless, but that God can make us more beautiful for having been broken. Hunter, P.R., et al., Water supply and health. I envisaged that an effect similar to the placebo effect might be at work in any real-life examples of the postulated phenomenon concerned, a phenomenon which I think your own question shows you may also have in mind. He sees, He Knows, HE hears! Dr Leaf has not worked at a university or worked in clinical practice for 20 years. As a leading Brain and Learning Specialist she Sorry, I missed the connection with Pitt the younger straight over my head, but very clever. I find it odd, that we are comfortable taking mind altering, drugs that have a laundry list of side effects, but we are not comfortable following the advice of someone who recommends a prescription of prayer and meditation both of which the people of the Bible did without fail in order to experience peace and the presence of God. If so, What is it? 4-day hands-on intensive training led by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Current Clinical Trials Dr. Leaf Robert Salpolsky PhD Stanford- looks into stress and health. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can connect me to Dr Leafs formal writings (peer review). Available from In fact, it costs me money to maintain both sites. For example, if you go to bed worrying about everything you need to do the next day, or try suppress all your fears before turning off the light, this toxic energy will move through your brain and body, causing neurochemical and electromagnetic chaos, which will disrupt your bodys ability to regenerate as you sleep. Thank you very much for taking the time out to reply to some of the points raised in my blog. iBooks AU = https://itunes.apple.com/au/book/kintsukuroi-christians/id1231172522?mt=11, Hold that thought: Reappraising the work of Dr Caroline Leaf = https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/466848. Dr Pitts own response will probably be much more interesting than mine. And not evidenced based in the powerful word of God , the author of science. Ive been following This thread for over six years now. Users are invited and reminded to participate in the survey via emails. I recommend planning aheadand setting aside a few hours every morning, evening or afternoon to read something, listen to a new podcast series or audiobook, or learn a new sport or language (or whatever appeals to you!). Im not quite Pitt the Younger any more, more like Pitt the middle-aged (My sister, the unofficial family historian, as tried to find a connection from William Pitt to our family but hasnt come ups with anything definitive yet). As good Christians we are to continue to learn and seek the truth, love others, and build Christian Faith in our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ. Theyre the ones who are vulnerable and theyre the ones I fight for. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. John 3:16; Romans 6:23, 12:1-3; Galatians 1-6. The data will be used to identify needs and priorities, benchmark against various population characteristics, evaluate programs and policies, plan for services and programs, and advocate for resources. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. She certainly profits off her cosy association with the Copelands and Joyce Meyer, but thats not why her teaching is wrong. Finally, you say, Medicine and pharmaceuticals are wonderful and at time necessary, but they are not our Savior. This is why it is so important that we make an effort to protect and improve the health of our brains, which will help us succeed at home, at school and in the workplace. By Dr. Caroline Leaf on July 05, 2021. 23. Yes, she said this. As a leading Brain and In this podcast (episode #251) and blog, I discuss the different types of grief, Based on my research and time in private practice, I have noticed that grief tends to cycle between denial, anger, guilt, bargaining, sadness, and acceptance (among other emotions). and Doyle, G.A., The CHRNA5-A3-B4 gene cluster in nicotine addiction. Happy New Year! So sometimes, sickness happens because of genetics or other factors beyond our control. However, I have been to many workshops for the lay public by university professors, who have extensively referenced their information during their presentations. The World Health Organization (2022) has reported that there was a 13% rise in mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders from 2007 to 2017. This challenges the brain to move into a higher gear and introspect more deeply, which is what it is designed for: deep, intellectual thinking! And I certainly dont feel she is deceptive or just in it for the money. A little background.. As I said before, chronic long term stress is not caused by wrong thinking. Did you attempt to collaborate with her and she rejected you? I find her ideas and books dangerous. Reminders are only sent to those who have not yet completed the survey. Thank you for your comment. I could honestly come up with a book of amazing questions but mine (as with many other practitioners of this theory) would offer a proper diagnostic tool to calculate what you are and give you insight into what practical things this means for you in regards to life! I welcome Pitts questions. Maybe you and the other doctors should be more concerned about ME as opposed to how much money Dr Leaf has in her account or her fame? Despite this, current pharmacological treatments do not offer lasting treatment or resolution for these disorders (Turner, 2021) and much more neuroscientific research is needed to inform clinical practice and the treatment of mental illness (Ivanov & Schwartz, 2021). Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and The data will be used to identify needs and priorities, benchmark against various population characteristics, evaluate programs and policies, plan for services and programs, and advocate for resources. (1981). Gotta go now and put on my armour (Eph 6) ready myself for the flaming spears/ warring words. The Training was incredible and exceeded my expectations. I might be inclined to read your posts if you could mister some concise points. Gravity and electromagnetism if I remember clearly are each fundamental Laws of physics. QEEG measurements of 11 NeurocycleTM participants were performed before using the NeurocycleTM, after the first 21 days, and after the final 63 days to assess mental health improvements. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008(1): CD001765. Lancet, 2004. 6. Circulation, 2009. Speaking of claims leaf has said, (like the woman raped), So please, show your work!! For instance, when it comes to connecting with others, oxytocin is an important bonding chemical, and is released in greater amounts when couples first come together. Data collection happens within the app every 21 days for the 20 LMM items and the 8 pro-mindfulness factors as well as a web-based survey (psychdata.com) for user demographics, treatment history, and program experience. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001. You would never have need for medication if you were controlling your thoughts. I went to my gynecologist for routine bloodwork because I was feeling exhausted and anxious. In this final episode of a series with Dr. Caroline Leaf, she illustrates her 5-step process to properly deal with emotional trauma, so you can make it through the difficult times with a healthy perspective. 7(11): e1000361. Apr 30, 2023. Then she said that covid hit, and so you lost another year.. Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 2011. Process To Managing Trauma, with Dr. Caroline Leaf Our gut has about 500 million neurons, for example, which are intricately connected to the brain. However, leading mindfulness researchers have called for an instructional tool that not only teaches mindfulness practices, but also covers and assesses mindfulness necessary counterparts: self-regulation and self-management and emotional, cognitive, and behavioral flexibility (resilience). What is known is that diseases like Cushings Disease or an adrenal tumour can raise cortisol which then interferes with blood sugar control, causing high blood sugar.