Scalar wave experiments such as this have an attractive-force-property regarding policemen and spca agents. Ask the Astronomer. The gravimeter results, recorded on graph paper, showed a very large and unexplainable deflection, and the researchers rushed outside to have a look. My BS detector goes crazy when somebody claims to be able to do things that are silly, like make irons stick to their hands or mix wood and metal. [47], Apergy can also be found in an 1896 article, "Some Truths About Keely,"[48] where Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore used it to describe the latent force John Keely harnessed, by employing frequency to release the latent force found within all atomic matter.[49]. 1916 - 1945 - National Research Council Canada A string is clearly visible in the upper left-hand corner of the video, wiggling in sync with the UFOs movements. Jerk., watch out white_matter, I feel a scalar wave coming! Therefore, the correct way to state absolute zero is zero Kelvins. Other temperatures using this scale are read in the same manner, e.g., 350 Kelvins, 19 Kelvins, etc. Andru Michrowski and Tom Bearden Discuss the effects of AntiGravity There are several segments on this unbelieavable John Hutchison's Anti-Gravity devices. CanadianNate said: I thought no scientist has ever been able to create zero degrees kelvin, although I know theyve gotten pretty damn close(within a few thousandths of a degrree), in a controlled environment using lasers to slow down molecules, so Im wondering how he was able to(or claims to) tap the zero point energy that comes with it?. Military support for anti-gravity projects was terminated by the Mansfield Amendment of 1973, which restricted Department of Defense spending to only the areas of scientific research with explicit military applications. AC Gravity was awarded a U.S. DOD grant for $448,970 in 2001 to continue anti-gravity research. I thought no scientist has ever been able to create zero degrees kelvin, although I know theyve gotten pretty damn close(within a few thousandths of a degrree), in a controlled environment using lasers to slow down molecules, so Im wondering how he was able to(or claims to) tap the zero point energy that comes with it? General relativity was introduced in the 1910s, but development of the theory was greatly slowed by a lack of suitable mathematical tools. He stated that gravity is a derived function, that researchers know what gravity is, and that researchers have a good idea of how to control gravity. The possibility of creating anti-gravity depends upon a complete understanding and description of gravity and its interactions with other physical theories, such as general relativity and quantum mechanics; as of 2023 physicists have yet to discover a quantum theory of gravity. Subscribe for free to Inverses award-winning daily newsletter! He also offered his entire lab on Ebay a short while ago for $8 bidders. The energy is associated with the spontaneous emission and annihilation of electrons and positrons coming from what is called the quantum vacuum. The density of the energy contained in the quantum vacuum is estimated by some at ten to the thirteenth Joules per cubic centimeter, which is reportedly sufficient to boil off the Earths oceans in a matter of moments. "I knew even before I met him that Tim Ventura had to be the host," Sokol told The Debrief. Hutchisons work, it doesnt look like he thinks much of it. [33][34][35][36], Ning Li and Douglas Torr, of the University of Alabama in Huntsville proposed how a time dependent magnetic field could cause the spins of the lattice ions in a superconductor to generate detectable gravitomagnetic and gravitoelectric fields in a series of papers published between 1991 and 1993. "Will rising water droplets change science?" Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. [12] Their efforts were initially somewhat "crankish", but they held occasional conferences that drew such people as Clarence Birdseye, known for his frozen-food products, and helicopter pioneer Igor Sikorsky. [18] Notice that because the negative mass acquires negative kinetic energy, the total energy of the accelerating masses remains at zero. If hes referring to a wave in a scalar field, thats different from a wave with no direction. But, in these experiments, researchers observed that both boats floated on their respective surfaces, with the lower boat sailing upside down on the underside of the levitating liquid. This guy, Hutchinson, is obvioulsy a quack- he admitted to forging some video proof. But hey, Im not a scientist.. That ufo video was absolutely hilarious. Maybe Rosie ODonnell is hiding under the table, and the ice cream is defying gravity trying to escape. Theyre caucasian. To try to understand gravity on the quantum level, Hirosi Ooguri, the director of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe in Tokyo, and Daniel Harlow, an assistant. B.S. [46] Jack London describes it as "the hypothetical existence of a force, the converse of gravitation, which Astor has named 'apergy,'" in his short story entitled "A Thousand Deaths," first published in The Black Cat in 1899. The issue was considered solved in 1960 with the development of CPT symmetry, which demonstrated that antimatter follows the same laws of physics as "normal" matter, and therefore has positive energy content and also causes (and reacts to) gravity like normal matter (see gravitational interaction of antimatter). Explore the links on the next page to learn even more about gravity. [19], Bondi pointed out that a negative mass will fall toward (and not away from) "normal" matter, since although the gravitational force is repulsive, the negative mass (according to Newton's law, F=ma) responds by accelerating in the opposite of the direction of the force. In an article, "Man's Greatest Achievement", Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity. I could get Calgary radio stations in the daytime and a San Francisco one in the night-time. The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. The Scientist That "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared Completely - An Unsolved Mystery 20 2 comments Best Add a Comment montymontgomeri 2 yr. ago I'm not a fan of this kind of conspiracy theory stuff but this is interesting. It is described as a highly-anomalous electromagnetic effect which causes the jellification of metals, spontaneous levitation of common substances, and other effects. It is known as the Hutchison Effect, or the H-Effect for short. They have been given a billion dollars,to do what Pons and Fleishman done with a shoestring budget. She claimed that an anti-gravity effect could be produced by rotating ions creating a gravitomagnetic field perpendicular to their spin axis. "Tim told us a flashy logo won't work. Science is half skepticism and half open-mindedness, so as much as I doubt the veracity of Hutchisons claims, at the same time I would be delighted to be proven wrong. Burdern and Mitchclosvie both give details accounts of the over 40 objects shown to levitate due to the anti-gravity effect. 22. How did they do it This kind of inverse buoyancy isn't something you're likely to observe in the wild, so instead the researchers created a highly tuned research environment using a glass chamber, glycerol and silicon oil, and a vibrating plate. [32] Many studies have attempted to reproduce Podkletnov's experiment, always to negative results. The academic scientist cannot ever admit they were wrong! Alan Bellows is the founder/designer/head writer/managing editor of Damn Interesting. Your true calling in life is impersonating Mr. Spock. I think the video below with the fishing line needs to be posted here because I dont see it on the hutchison website as a fav. In the linked WMV demonstration video of the levitating thing with the blinkey-red light PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE UPPER-LEFT HAND CORNER. Bah. Autograph manuscript, comprising calculations and arguments from the Einheitliche theorie von Gravitation un Elektrizitt, Jason Palmer, Antigravity gets first test at Cern's Alpha experiment,, 30 April 2013, "Null result for the weight change of a spinning gyroscope", "Patent and Copyright Committee List of Disclosures Reviewed Between July 1996 and June 1997 - USC ID", "The Gde award - One Million Euro to overcome gravity",, "The Project Gutenberg eBook of Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930", "Newtons principle of gravitation apple falls", This begs the question: Is antigravity achievable on our planet or is it an out-of-reach dream? .Good point, it wouldnt do anything unless acted on by some force. esoteric said: Btw, can anybody actually satisfactorily explain what the heck a scalar wave is?. Its never true. Just film some neat footage, talk about rewriting science, add a few big words that few people know the meaning of, then add a conspiracy theory or two, and people will just eat it up. In the 1990s, Li worked as a research scientist at the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, University of Alabama in Huntsville.In 1999, she left the university to form a company, AC Gravity, LLC, to continue anti-gravity research. Famous Canadian Engineers - PPE Headquarters I believe Expensive Equipment is nothing without the mind behind it. Although the report/press release indicated that initial data had been supported by additional research, the Department of Transport terminated Project Magnet. By subscribing, you agree to our Terms of Use and Policies You may unsubscribe at any time. But since November 2020, it has begun to be taken a lot more seriously as scientists from NASA, DARPA, MIT, and the Air Force have been meeting regularly on Zoom to explore propulsion technologies of the future, including antigravity. In a non-vibrating environment, we would expect the top boat to float (thanks to Archimedes' principle of buoyancy) and the boat on the underside to fall to the bottom of the chamber. :), One particularly damning piece of evidence against him is a video he produced for a television special which shows a toy UFO levitating and jumping around wildly. It does not refer to the lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, or to balancing the force of gravity with some other force, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift. Thanks for all your interest and continued support over the years! Hutchison has captured the effect on video many times, and claims to have demonstrated it for scientists from U.S. Army intelligence. A longstanding question was whether or not these same equations applied to antimatter. I appreciate it, personally. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Still, for now, that frontier has not been crossed as no efforts have resulted in replicable experiments. Anti-Gravity: The Secret Space Race | Weird Science | Earth Lab Since you enjoyed our work enough to print it out, and read it clear to the end, would you consider donating a few dollars at ? SparkyTWP said: The general population has this romatic idea of some lone genius in a basement who turns science on its head. There have been a number of attempts to build anti-gravity devices, and a small number of reports of anti-gravity-like effects in the scientific literature. [15] Former Lieutenant Colonel Ansel Talbert wrote two series of newspaper articles claiming that most of the major aviation firms had started gravity control propulsion research in the 1950s. Another effort in the private sector to master understanding of gravitation was the creation of the Institute for Field Physics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1956, by Gravity Research Foundation trustee Agnew H. Bahnson. So far, only transversal waves have been observed, and as far as waves go, this is an anomaly, so naturally they must be there and we just dont know how to observe them. Im a retired medical research Crackpots like this are a dime a dozen. [40][41], Douglas Torr and Timir Datta were involved in the development of a "gravity generator" at the University of South Carolina. You here are probably still mocking Cold Fusion. CanadianNate said: I thought no scientist has ever been able to create zero degrees kelvin, although I know theyve gotten pretty damn close(within a few thousandths of a degrree) In his 1880 novel Acrossthe Zodiac, writer Percy Greg refers to a marvelous material called apergy:. But, while this discovery may be ancient, a team of French physicists has now discovered a new kind of buoyancy that they call "anti-gravity." 1c3d0g said: White_Matter: shut your stupid little trap before someone does it for you. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Robert Lamb "Anti-gravity" is often used to refer to devices that look as if they reverse gravity even though they operate through other means, such as lifters, which fly in the air by moving air with electromagnetic fields.[1][2]. The general population has this romatic idea of some lone genius in a basement who turns science on its head. Well then, there you have it. As always, your article on Hutchison is DI!! A bit like hearing a great urban legend and then finding out its false. by Mark A. Solis I duplicated this experiment by tossing cats out of highrise buildings. Under general relativity, anti-gravity is impossible except under contrived circumstances. Smith was convinced that energy could be extracted from the magnetic fields that surround Earth. This article is marked as 'retired'. At first Hutchison claimed that it was a wire which was part of the apparatus, but later he confessed that he was creative with the footage because he has been unable to reproduce the effect since 1991. One suggestion made by skeptics is that Hutchison uses an electromagnet on the ceiling, and places hidden pieces of metal inside objects so they will be attracted to the magnet. This technology is real and so are the scientists. Both general relativity and Newtonian gravity appear to predict that negative mass would produce a repulsive gravitational field. In 1950 Smith attended a North American Radio Broadcast Association conference in Washington, DC. Discoveries tend to lie in a direction thats understandable to us at the time, but the science is always there. We will never spam or share your email address. He is a scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and has worked with Dr. Li Ning. . You might be starting to see why "antigravity" is a taboo subject. Damn it, for a minute there I thought someone stumbled onto one of the worlds greatest discoveries of all timetoo bad it smells like Snake Oil (to me), although Im certainly no scientist. If this really is anti-gravity why would the objects go up? His devices consist of rapidly spinning disks of brass, a material made up largely of elements with a total half-integer nuclear spin. From the hoverboards of "Back to the Future" to the gravity guns of "Half-Life 2," science fiction is peppered with antigravity technology. I am also going to speculate he was quit baked at the time. It would slash the energy demands of travel and transportation. Neither is the levitation effect achieved in 2007 by countering Casimir force, a quantum force that essentially causes objects to stick to one another -- a type of nanofriction [source: ScienceDaily]. [5][6] In 1997 Li published a paper stating that recent experiments reported anomalous weight changes of 0.05-2.1% for a test mass suspended above a rotating superconductor. Antigravity Technology Cabal Suppressed: Technology to Overcome Gravity As such, antigravity technology remains both the Holy Grail and a red flag. Critics also point out that the videos do not show what happens to the objects after they levitate. As a side effect, both theories also all but required that antimatter be affected by this fifth force in a way similar to anti-gravity, dictating repulsion away from mass. I do not think name calling is exactly the kind of forum in which most of the Damn Interested care to participate. Bondi's proof yielded singularity-free solutions for the relativity equations. John Hutchison (born October 19, 1945) is a Canadian inventor known for The Hutchison Effect Alternative Energy Devices ,Life Exstention Projects with Vitamins, Navy ship dismantling Restoration of Machine Tools His sense of humor mostly and acting abilities as seen as his character Karla Kniption and others who are featured in films and radio Ning Li and Ron Koczor. The pendulum-like oscillations of the levitating object become clearer than the fishing-line. Ning Li (January 14, 1943 - July 27, 2021) was an American scientist known for her controversial anti-gravity research. While Im not sure I can say that I think hes actually produced the effect, I think whatever he says creates it, is true. This has far-reaching implications for thermodynamics, which hinges entirely on the presumption of such knowledge. In fact, he says, that trust came into play at their very first APEC planning meeting. A scalar wave seems to imply its a wave with no direction but couldnt that just be a badly observed standing wave? Rocks are the most intelligent beings on this good earth and in all the universe. Segment 1 (5 min): This news real footage gives a good overview of John Hutchison's equipment and principles of his antigravity devices. In her theory, if a large number of ions could be aligned, (in a BoseEinstein condensate) the resulting effect would be a very strong gravitomagnetic field producing a strong repulsive force. Challengers should note that their apparatus must be limited to the use of 75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet, as that is all that is used by Hutchisons apparatus to levitate a 60-pound cannon ball. [18] In July 1988, Robert L. Forward presented a paper at the AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 24th Joint Propulsion Conference that proposed a Bondi negative gravitational mass propulsion system. For example, take those novelty clocks you can power with a potato. There are several demonstration videos supposedly showing the phenomena, including a few short videos online and some more involved footage which he sells by mail-order for up to $150. A reduction in mass together with an increase in the heat energy certainly creates anti-gravity grounds for a realistic explanation of the expansion of intergalactic distances (expanding universe) with an acceleration. In 2002, noted aviation journalist Nick Cook's research into supposed Nazi antigravity research failed to win over critics. About 3 years ago I stumbled on a mystery. Manage Subscriptions. There had been a breakthrough in "anti-gravity" technology in 1999 at NASA by Drs. With . Anti-gravity is a recurring concept in science fiction. I have recently heard reports of a researcher claiming to have produced Only he doesnt realize that his inventions are things that other more reputable scientists have known about for decades.mostly electro-magnetism. One Detail About Anti-Gravity Vehicles That SciFi Leaves Out - Jalopnik The Foundation nearly disappeared after Babson's death in 1967. Simple attempts along this direction all failed, however, leading to more complex examples that attempted to account for these problems. But since November 2020, it has begun to be taken a . Anti-gravity - Wikipedia Although this force is well understood to be illusory, even under Newtonian models, it has nevertheless generated numerous claims of anti-gravity devices and any number of patented devices. Another "rotating device" example is shown in a series of patents granted to Henry Wallace between 1968 and 1974. BBC News. In this state, random electromagnetic oscillations can still be observed, meaning that there is still some amount of energy present. I had satisfied myself . C a Ntigra Vit Y a C Raft - Jstor The new site is since 2007. Public access to the report was authorized on 1 October 1952. December 2006. In the experiments, conducted over an 18 month period at CERN's antimatter factory (yes, such a place really exists), the scientists found that matter and antimatter particles responded to. Physicists discover "anti-gravity" in bizarre buoyancy experiment - Inverse This is the work of John Hutchison, a Canadian inventor and experimenter who has perplexed many scientists. You know, I built a large (6-foot) form of the Smith Coil antenna and connected it to an ordinary radio. Unsolved Disappearances in the Fraser Canyon, The Curse of Oak Island: Season 10, Episode 6 Summary. Tajmar, M., and de Matos, C.J., "Gravitomagnetic Field of a Rotating Superconductor and of a Rotating Superfluid," Physica C, 385(4), 551554, (2003). The foundation has offered a reward of one million euros for a reproducible anti-gravity experiment.[44].