Smash the Break Infinity button, and the nature of the game will change - you can now continue PAST 1.8e308 antimatter, and many numbers can now be greater than 1.8e308. The Eternity upgrades tab lets you spend EP to boost Infinity Dimensions based on unspent EP, the amount of times eternitied, and the sum of Infinity Challenge Times, or to affect Time Dimensions with more multiplier, or to gain more EP. -lilk0408. This will get all challenge times to 0.02-0.06 seconds or less. Your glyphs should be around level 450. Other than the fact that buying 1 of each new unlocked Dimension is more important than usual (because it immediately kicks off accelerated production of what it costs), this is just a slower game. You should try to get your best infinity time down. Dilation - TT per hour is absolutely useless, so having it as effect is same as having nothing. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on antimatter dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. Sac/Alchemy: For active play, while Perk Points is running, click 'Fill inventory with Music Glyphs' and hold enter. ), Layer 2 strat: 1 AD glyph with AD x, 1 time theorem dil glyph, 1 IP and x infinities glyph, 2 rep mult pow glyphs. (The following section was figured out with help from /u/fsjd150 in this thread: ). Check that you're buying all studies, including triad studies. Ra reality works in a way that you simply sit in it and generate the Chunks which in turn generate 'experience' for level passively, Basically this Cel a timewall/passive wait. (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings), Popular music (Possible at about 1e150 EP w/active path instantly at 1e190 EP w/ TD+Active Path) - At least 1 normal galaxy required, and will be able to get eventually with more EP and TT, just involves management with replicanti galaxies (180 of them to be exact). Dont forget to sacrifice a Reality glyph for Achievement 171 The god is delighted and complete Achievement 172 Hitchhiker's Guide to Reality by removing charged infinity upgrades, glyphs and triad studies (might wanna do that after you reach 1e1000 RM). With 5 slots I usually use 1 of each type glyph unless one falls behind too much. They also work even when you're storing real time, BUT DMD autobuyers will be disabled, so be careful! Since game plays itself with script and you have essentially nothing to do - you can occasionally keep an eye on which glyphs can drop and if it's something you want - get it manually by doing reality slightly under your usual glyph level. Gonna give it another crack later. At around here you might have trouble farming more TT ~570EP. (This and EC12 are the only challenges that can be failed, and you can't get EC12 until much later.). Then disable all autobuyers except tickspeed. If you are struggling to get challenge times down try turning on Automatically Retry Challenges in Options. This means that in ECs 1, 5 and 6 the infinity dimensions path is better than the time dimensions path. Join. You should get dozens more completions. About this game. If all else fails, try doing a GS run to bank BH time. : Progress related achievement (Possible with about e3100 EP and 4e17 dilated time on hand and TD7 unlocked, used to be possible earlier), respec time studies and go into dilation. To grind for more EP, you will have to occasionally change the time study tree (find out which combination of time studies works best). Basically get study 232 as soon as you can afford it as it is very powerful. Active tree is better unless you need idle for challenge. So, it's not a benefit until you can get 11 more interval upgrades. Effectively, you will cap out at 5e111 EP, thus you will need to try cracking one of the last challenges before continuing. If you get stuck in any other EC, try C10 inside of it. Again, not bad, huh? After you beat this, you're ready for the next section, as the only thing currently important to do is to grind EP (and eternities). Doing so will earn around 3~7 million infinitied stat per crunch, amounting to 150,000~350,000 banked infinities when you eternity. x4 replicanti: 3 of them are speed/DT per replicanti/glyph level. Assuming you have 15 rows of achieves and glyphs I mentioned at their levels/rarity - you should have no problem reaching ~e57-58 RM upgrades. If your luck is bad, use what happens to work best for you. I feel like I know enough about antimatter dimensions ng-5 to make a guide on it. EC5R (mainly a QoL between early eternity and EC5x1). 5 galaxy runs: Automatic Dimboosts set to 0/10, Automatic Galaxies set to 5, Automatic Big Crunch set to how much you make in 0.5-1.5 seconds after you hit 5 Galaxies. Mostly useless outside of some specific circumstances. All of their effects are useful, but are also quite different from one another and help in different situations, so it is worth keeping an eye out for Time Glyphs with effects you currently do not have. GOTCHAS: Make sure to not have your black hole accidentally charging when it's not relevant. Reality manually if you see that none of the glyphs are good and are playing actively. Increasing Rift 3 has a second effect - it makes Rift 2 larger and thus require more replicanti amount to fill, making Rift 3 100% a long term goal. Those 3 are basically not required for any 'hard' content. Teresa: Similar to RM (Reality glyph) -> yeddd (1e72 sac) -> yepii (achievement 177). Because of your increased game speed, the optimal strategies in Teresa's Reality are NOT the same as your first Reality! While doing this, you can complete the following achievements (these are just the ones you need something special for): You have now reached the 2nd 3-way split of the time study tree. Once you are around 1e26 IP, there's a 1-2 hour lull of progress that begins. Now that your RM is ~e57-58 upgrades and teresa is updated you should set new glyph level record(~5.7k) and buy ~500 music glyphs for sacrifice. Also, turn on the eternity autobuyer at 0 EP and go offline, to allow the 200 eternities milestone to give you several thousand free eternities while you wait. This is a 50x multiplier, and will be important for getting ID3. Relic shards can be spent on new QoL glyph features. This should give you a Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier of around at least 200x. Eternity Challenge 1, at least 130 Time Theorems. However, unfortunately you have now hit the TD5 wall. Be aware the game might lag when not focused and or in some of the menus. (EC11x4 and EC11x5 can be completed with the same setup, and doing them right after EC11x3 would save time the most, because later progression will not further speed up EC11 completions. After 2-5 hours depending on how many upgrades you have, you will have at least 1e1900 antimatter. When you get this achievement, you can get more banked infinities from it. First infinity with 1 galaxy unlock one is pretty easy to do as well if you want to, if you are doing challenge 8 first this will be trivial. More Antimatter Dimensions Wiki. Farming glyphs becomes much faster now, hence here is some advice on how they work. Repli x3(no glyph level), Time(eternities/game speed), Effarig(Game Speed/RM multi/AM prod/all dimensions), An alternative build is eprrt, with effarig having RM/game speed/AM prod/buy10. If you can't buy any more upgrades/TTs, you probably need to do more ECs, or grind for more progress and TT if some ECs may be difficult. EC11x5 (EP: 6.62e1018, TT: same as above) | Goal: 1e1250 IP): This is the same as for 11x4, just requires even more patience (you'll eventually get enough replicanti and IP to reach the goal). Due to dilated time being a currency produced by a constant source, which upgrades you spend your dilated time on first isn't a massive deal, but buy those upgrades whenever you get access to them, and I'd recommend buying the galaxy threshold multiplier decrease last for the sake of speed, so that you do not waste any dilated time and any possible dilated time upgrade. Too complex to bother with IMO. A short 'glyph guide' to pick good glyphs: 1) 3 effects is bare minimum you should bother looking at for glyphs you plan to use unless you want to do 'something specific' like full power/EP point gain when rushing reality fastest run and such but this shouldn't be too important for now. Will always pick a sacrifice glyph you 'have least' of. E581927j/Antimatter Dimensions Grand Run; FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil; IdleSquadron/Guide to Editing; Prestige. Recommended for: General use to help with everything. Multiply Infinity gain by X [ ] - A good "utility" bonus. 1 without glyph level(should be higher rarity than most others and also used for RM build). -> rrrrr (1e43 sac) -> rrrri (1e1000 RM). This completely stops the game, storing real time at 70% efficiency. 1e14 RM: Teresa Reality to Effarig unlock. Start a new run again and as soon as you reach that memorized number check out where your 1st line value was at when reached. As you earn IP, spend them either on making these Autobuyers faster or on buying the 4th column of Infinity Upgrades, based on which is holding you back more severely (the length of the specific phase that it skips, or having to click specific buttons manually), making sure to keep >10 IP on-hand for the First Dimension unspent IP bonus. And if they are slightly wrong - still use them until you get better ones. (Otherwise, it is useless to buy any less than 10 dimensions at once, because they will be growing so fast from the dimensions above them that only the 2x multiplier for completing a set of 10 matters.). No ethical consumption: Grinding infinities with TS191 will eventually get you this achievement (Get as far as you can progress in an eternity, and then big crunch after every 5 seconds. Your goal is now to reach ~e11 at which point your black holes are very close to being permanent(90-95%), This allows you to more or less safely change automator into a far superior and essentially 'final' build which should be used for nearly everything with small changes. However, you don't stop at 1.80e308 EP, and there is more content after 1.80e308 EP. Wiki. ), (It is possible at 1e240~ IP without any strategy.). This challenge can be completed at higher EP if you cannot currently beat EC12 (1e1250-1e1300 EP is enough for 12x5). If you feel hard when doing ECs, try to fill the first rift. For repli I selected speed + DT since those are always required effects. An extra slot of glyphs is incredibly powerful! This is probably designed to let you chill after how active the previous Cel were. The run may take anything from 1 to 300 minutes, probably depending on what upgrades you got. (this is no longer the case since the reality update made stuff a lot cheaper so just buy everything you can in infinity dimensions, IP multipliers and break infinity upgrades, and you'll be good.). Also, note the bottom right button: Offline used for production/Offline time stored. New glyph is called Effarig and has 7 possible effects(but 2 of them - xRM and glyph instability, are mutually exclusive) - you can only use ONE of this glyph at same time so you will need to farm different farm. If it takes 5 seconds from x1.00 -> x1.01, wait 5 more seconds then Sacrifice. It's a big speedup to early part of first few realities as galaxies don't reset dimension boosts. At this point you should be getting glyph levels ~5500. Faster Replicanti has a lot of bonuses - it means quicker progress through the eternity phase and in many ECs (notably, in EC11), it means a much quicker Replicanti phase pre-eternity, and it means getting far more Replicanti post TS192 for bigger ID and TD multipliers. Unique snowflakes: Progress related achievement. achievement (if you haven't already), to double your production of how fast you generate replicanti galaxies during the challenge (16 seconds to 8 seconds per galaxy). I managed to reach e50 blackhole upgrades before it slowed down for me. Third Dimension Autobuyer (C3): This is basically a slightly slower game. Dilation glyph TT per hour is what allows you to skip early game so this one is mandatory. . The premise of Antimatter Dimensions is to accumulate, well, antimatter. (will reach e29 quite fast). Recommended for: General use, especially for eternity and EC phase, The Paradoxical Forever, The Knowing Existence. 5000 RM(5e3) without glyphs - (Requires 9.12e8931 EP) a good time for this is approx when you farm 1e5 reality machines with your glyphs and have everything costing 5e4 RM or less. If you're still stuck, you forgot to turn Auto-EC or ID autobuyers back on after Fabrication of Ideals! Rift 1 is basically your replacement for the IP multiplier infinity upgrade. During this section and early in the next section, you will be able to unlock Autobuyers that buy Dimensions and Tickspeed automatically without the player's input, but they cannot be upgraded until later in the game. t With this much I got to 1e59 RM/minute with e59 upgrades so only took 10 minutes to reach e60 from there. Along with ~10-15 seconds delay on line 10 in automator (if you use the script provided). Probably the most niche of the five glyphs, especially in the pre-Cel1 phase of Reality. Remember that effarigs with buy 10 want a build with a power glyph in them, effarigs without it don't. It's impossible to have done any ECs by now, so it's pure upside, but also a warning for what the future of Eternity Challenges holds: Pain and suffering. One other mechanic is unlocked after 5 Dimensional Boosts - Dimensional Sacrifice. With some luck you might get 4 effect glyphs too, which are a boon. If it's still too slow, get more IP first. 3 3 6 2 . So do the following: The following challenges can be beaten this way: The following challenges will need 1 galaxy to beat as fast as possible, so enable Automatic Galaxies and set it to max 1 galaxy: Lastly that leaves the Tickspeed Autobuyer challenge. This Galaxy also only lasts until the next Infinity. Generally the time dimension path is a lot more useful with TS171 than otherwise. Achievements you should have gotten by this point: This section may take a while (potentially over 1 week), so you should be active often to get more progress. You might get lucky and get this achievement in earlier eternities. This also has to do with enough progression and EP. This is where cel 7 becomes a Pelle rebuyable timewall. (In general, reading new things carefully is a good idea.). which is about ten times as much IP/min as you were making before! What you have to do to unlock it is to set your crunch autobuyer to at least 5 seconds, and make sure you have time study 32. After this, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle. Since every Dimension linearly increases the one below it, we can see that antimatter increases proportional to The Time Studies tab is a skill tree that has the currency of Time Theorems (costing Antimatter, IP or EP) that you can buy time studies, or respec (reallocate TT for other studies) every Eternity. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on. The following lists are adapted from the Discord server pins by Sir Kill-a-Lot: If you pause black hole and have Effarig glyph with achievement bonus multiplier - you can get 'actually super easy' achievement. Eternity Point gain X [ ] - This effect is extremely helpful to get early in the Reality phase. Once your way far behind glyphs are updated - it should be good enough to this time farm RM yet again. At this part of the game, you are basically playing the waiting game to 1e308 IP, as runs are now much slower than before as you have to wait for replicanti to build up. EC11x2 (EP: 3.01e572, TT: 5,664 | Goal: 1e650 IP): Runs will get longer with each completion, and thus you should get used to taking some time to complete these challenges. And if you get super lucky with rarity on effarig with glyph level/speed - you might even reach ~5.2k glyph levels. You can also use this path for farming EP, it might be more efficient than using Passive but requires a lot more game managing than using Passive at this point. After you do this - start farming RM and sacrificing whatever glyphs you get. This will allow further pushing of antimatter. May require a lot of timeshard grinding and runs that barely multiply IP at all, but trust me, it IS possible. over time) and so on. Think about it this way - 58 Tickspeed Upgrades (costing ~1.111e60 Antimatter total) used to give you a 926x boost - now it gives a 2574x boost! More Replicanti = bigger bonus. Progress may be slow around e22 EP, as the ECs 1-4 have weak rewards. Once you reach it - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be ready to tackle it from get go. Alternate grinding EP/min and doing long runs for more TTs. The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. Automatic Dimension Boosts to "activate every .2 seconds" and "only Dimboost to unlock new Dimensions until 35 Galaxies", Now just wait until the challenge completes, should just take a few minutes, and your galaxies should steadily increase until the challenge is done. In Young Boy, it is correct to have Game Speed on your Effarig - even though it does nothing in EC12, it helps you build up time shards before you finally enter EC12. Kinda up to you, certainly the remaining 15 RM row 2 ones.. but order after prolong/paradox is of not too much importance. The strategy for optimal Sacrificing is different, so this guide has provided 2 strategies for the Challenge to try, depending on how much you pay attention: As for the rest of the Challenges and Autobuyers, don't worry about them yet - once you have more IP the Challenges will become more viable. You will earn the Limit Break achievement by breaking infinity. EC11x3 (EP: 4.34e667, TT: 6,581 | Goal: 1e850 IP): You can use 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,213,212,211,222,231,223,225,233|11 (you dont need Study 214 and the study below them as all of them are completely useless in EC11) and wait for about 10 minutes to reach the goal. Replicanti has offline progression (in some cases). Continue this process of prioritizing the largest Dimension for D5-D8. In fact, so fast some of them won't even need a single boost or galaxy! This reality is more of a puzzle than actual challenge, so solution makes it pretty easy. While doing ECs, you'll sometimes want to do a long run for more TT. Once you do, respec into the ID path (11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0). It may look basic but it's a surprisingly strong effect, and is a big part of why Power Glyphs are often recommended. This is probably the most annoying and long part of unlocking challenges, by far. Before I explain anything - let's complete Effarig Layer 3. 8 After you have Study 171, switch to Time Dimensions + Active/Idle path, as these are now more useful and passive is less because of the 10% difference in RG strengths between the row 13 Time Studies. The moment you complete last V challenge is the moment you unlock Ra Reality. At this point, you will increase the multipliers so fast that your Dimensions are doubling every second anyway. Once you do finally get to unlock Time Dilation, you get a new section in the Eternity tab, and are presented with a new screen of upgrades, and are able to dilate time (which are new features). 'Faster than a potato'. Also, you should go repeat every challenge - with 0 boosts and 0 galaxies, you should have every challenge time down to 0.12 - 0.20 seconds, even without using the M trick or similar! Turn off all Autobuyers, however keep Eighth and either Sixth or First Autobuyers turned on. (This section is adapted from asw's Discord pins!). (lilk0408), Turn off Dimension Boost/Galaxies autobuyer, turn on all other autobuyers, start challenge 10 as it will not make it harder.