that one that shows "John" this fat and ugly man going through life stages. But thats one trick pony Comedy Central for you. That lume inventor doctor frau who is basically trying to convinced us all we need deodorant now for fucking everywhere all so she can make a buck. The "You're Turning Into Your Parents" commercials. Agreed, R478 and R479. She's trying way too hard to be Jennifer Aniston. HEY LADY! Additional points removed when said ads include awestruck, insipidly open-mouthed impressed bystanders helplessly frozen in their tracks to lust after the stupid car (and its absurd driver) rolling on by. I ALSO have noticed how fat women are in commercials, fukkit, im an unhealthy cow and dont care..geez. I hardly ever see commercials? The announcer talks about kids struggling to find their career path: "BUT NOT OUR SYDNEY!". "Ring" has an ad with chef Cat Cora shilling their in-home alarm system. Seeing Ginni in sunglasses is far more preferable to seeing Giant bugging Marty Feldman eyeballs. and our fuck that stupid car insurance company. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever expect to see a trans man with the identical features of a Ray Ramono like in the new Audible commercial. I'd never buy this brand because of the annoying commercials You're right, it was so annoying that at one point I wanted to pop my own eardrums and render myself deaf. . Next scene, the woman and the man, whose balls shes clearly got in her purse, are now in their incredibly efficient car talking to her Mom who reminds them its Dads birthday coming up. They stand next to a backyard table, looking disappointed that the party seems to be a bummer/very low key. He's so ugly. . I like Liberty biberty and ALL the Flo commercials, Drew Barrymore for Bingo video game. I agree, R138. I'm thinking afternoon. Gsrecaps wrote: That commercial was recycled from 2020. So this couple is talking about a 76 year old man in the neighborhood who runs marathons and the lady goes sadly no more. So what does that mean? I think I remember his wife has leukemia. I closed him in and then had to listen to him meow for almost 30 minutes. No need to shower; just apply and go!. R1 I'm just relieved that someone else is seeing that add. A current commercial in California features the improbably named Patti Poppe (pronounced like the opium flower). It's probably filmed in New Jersey. Same thing every year with every other prop being repeated constantly only with a shiny NEW number. I've come to appreciate it's delightful citrusy notes but it really is in fact terrible. As if his sneeze would spray across 20-30 feet? List of the best Liberty Mutual ad 2023: Car Wash advert: LiMu and Doug deploy their squeaky-clean tactics to help people; save. Subliminal messaging? The Alexa commercial with the older couple. R409 at what age have you decided human beings have no worth? . Not even sure what product this commercial is for but I find it extremely annoying and it plays constantly. Here in CA theres a commercial for CA Dairy, featuring some Mexican broad (Becky G) rapping about cheese. What is the commercial you currently mute everytime it comes on? What are you on about r261. It took me about 20 seconds to realize that was Jon cause he is looking weirdly waxy, swollen and different. An anti-perspirant commercial. He reminds me of a young greasy Kiefer Sutherland and would throw a mean fuck. No need to shower; just apply and go! I gagged in disgust. The commercials show the adventures of an emu who wants to help customers save money on car insurance and his partner, a human named Doug. Yeah, right. Their jingle (Liberty, Liberty, Liberty) reminds me that I need to record any show theyre on, so I can fast forward after making a mental note to never buy their product. Stop wearing thongs and clean yourself, bitch! The commercial for has one of the most annoying jingles. It all seems so sleazy and sketchy. R159 Thank you! They draw you in, or make you laugh, or make you cry (in a good way). The ad agency should be blown up with all the employees no matter what they do still inside. ". Worst commercials so far of 2020. - Commercials I Hate! - Page 1 MARCH'S ROGUE RECOMMENDATION CLUE and the chance to win a free book! The Visiting Angels commercial with the old lady wearing what looks like the wig Norman Bates wore at the end of Psycho. And yes, she does say FISTED. And why does every fucking commercial have to have a blaring soundtrack anyway? by Anonymous reply 4 April 8, 2022 4:01 AM Is that Dustin Lance Black in the "tastes like chicken" Perdue spot? Face it Liberty, these arenotfunny. It's as ubiquitous as those repetitious Medicare ads hawking different health insurance plans and those annoying ZocDoc ads. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Okay, I havent technically seen one of these in 2019, but theyre so bad it still lingers in my memory banksespecially the one where the king is stalking someone sleeping in their bedroom. [quote]I hate this one since that Johnny Mathis country song annoys me to no end. The only Liberty Mutual commercial that somewhat hits the mark as far as humor goes is the one that has the caricature artist draw the guy who actually looks exactly like the caricature. I agree with you, Cosmo, on the 10s and 10s of views line. Isnt that virtually every healthcare plan out there? I hate the employment commercial (UpWork) in which the announcer introduces Talia from Texas and "her favorite shade of green," and the bitch rudely corrects him with, "It's actually Salem Clover." Youre probably wondering what commercials have to do with thriller novels. I was watching Hulu today and saw two Progressive ads with Flo and Jon Hamm. I keep my TV on in the background as I work, I work from home. The Progressive Dr. Rick and his misfits "going to the movies" spot in cringe-worthy, especially when he tells the woman two seats away not to applaud at the end of the film because "no one who made the movie is here". It's enough to make you wanna swear off television altogether and I can't even remember what the ads are even for? Liberty mutual has the most insufferable, annoying, and aggravating Notice, too, how they echo the Medicare messaging in loudness and the repetitive refrain of the CarShield telephone number. Those hideous fraus complaining they can't shit. The worst. couldn't be any dumber. R69 I loved her on In Living Color. I dont get de-hy-DRAT-ed! [quote]I am totally naming our rescue dog Skyrizi, "Hello? Fat ugly John going through life in different outfits while still fat and ugly. I'm pretty sure they'd manage to champion on. Like could it be anymore unrelatable. . Or a putrefied mass thats been laying there for six months until the ungrateful children check up on their inheritance. Wonder if Wife #3 worked on the Expedia commercial set. Anyway, there's a scene where MM, working for RR and his band of merry hackers, gets caught trying steal something. The book is called INCIDENTAL CONTACT - THE WEIRD MENACE ADVENTURES OF O'RYAN AND HIS OSTRICH. Last time I did that, he walked into the cat carrier around 8 am. Liberty mutual has the most insufferable, annoying, and aggravating commercials. But like she has to know he does it himself because it's not like she's lifted one single figure to help him with a god-damned thing since mom died. JJ looks like he's had skin grafts and Joe looks like Bela Lugosi's offspring. My choice of dreadful, most annoying commercials? That's kinda cute. Both guys are hot but especially the bearded guy. ^^^You need to have the motherfucking garden hose turned on you. Because of these commercials when Im watching Xvids or any xxx sites on my iPad I make sure to have the remote as near by as possible. 9. The ad agency should be blown up with all the employees no matter what they do still inside. If hes over 75 lbs Id be shocked. Do you feel violated, Crystal Minkoff? Face it Liberty, these are, (At least I think its Chevy. The emu helping out at the car repair shop. Bitch, you aren't fooling anyone. This Lending Tree ad with Molly Shannon is suddenly in frequent rotation. If it aint South Park, whats the point? MSNBC is on in the living room. JFC, why is there a guy fucking a chalk turtle in the Jardiance commercial?? High childish voices always make me want to drop a 10 ton safe on the little darlings: SPLAT!!!! There's some albinoish woman staring at a bottle of a lover in it. How can it help you sleep AND get you hard? Answer the question. In the other ads, this woman introduced herself as the creator of this product. Am I the only one who realized that the actor who plays bulging eye Ginny-lookalike's love interest was actor Tim Ryan (China Beach)? Privacy Policy. and our Unfortunately, the tagline is firmly burned into my brain: We all go. The drive time shield or whatever where the dude talks about his failed plans of a bubble bath and pedicure for the afternoon. I just dislike this commercial because its shown too often and makes me uncomfortable. [/bold] Yeah, you can also give a urine sample over a screen too! Worst possible voices to match those dogs. He'll come out around 11 or Noon and then spend the day with me. The French Bulldog has more personality than the actors. I'm certain he's just playing himself in everyday life. You like having a fucking health insurance company saying what doctors you can see, the drugs they will subsidize, and the types of care you can have? Last time I heard of them was in the Albert Brooks movie "Lost in America.". The woman dancing around is dressed like some 1950s librarian. the man has severe osteoporosis and shrunk a half foot or c.) she is remembering some other hot dude from years ago while dancing with the old man. Every time I see that commercial I think of that scene. Based on that, I think they will be around a while, like Flo at Progressive and the GEICO Gecko. Customer service phone number: 1-800-290-7933 Mailing address for the corporate headquarters: Liberty Mutual Insurance 175 Berkeley Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Be sure to address your comments to Jenna Lebel, Liberty's chief marketing officer. So fucking annoying. Than it shows this guy who drives sort of fast and shows this girl he hit with his car in the hospital fighting for her life. It's become a big turn off. Perhaps its a tranny but I have no idea which way it transformed. The lawsuit commercials are far less captivating to say the least. I suppose on the one hand, that because I remember their name, theyve succeeded. Here is the HUNGRY ROOT commercial so you can get your fix. I switch channels whenever it comes on. For more information, please see our Last I checked the Asian community outnumbered the black and white community heavily where I live in the SGV portion of Los Angeles and many of the biggest cities here in the US for that matter. Bullet points focused on "freedoms.". R29, that's one of my least favorites as well. Someone above mentioned that MSNBC has Kars 4 Kids on a lot lately and I can't turn the channel fast enough when it comes on. JJ Jimmy Walker Medicare commercial. Thank you, R216! Its still one of my favorite days. They both make me cringe. [quote]Nina was amazing! by RogueWomen | Mar 15, 2020 | Gayle Lynds, On writing | 1 comment, One of the Rogues all-time favorite, most popular, most controversial blogs went live a year ago Robin Burcells take on todays TV commercials. The cheap as shit KFC commercials with overpriced fried chicken (notice they don't advertise the prices anymore?) Seriously, WTF were the ad agency idiots thinking?? Kevin Hart's appeal to any POC befuddles the crap out of me. **barely audible whisper** "This is the sound of nature breathing" WHAT?!? Jesus Christ, mesothelioma channels, how about rotating your scam ads a bit more. I hate that commercial with the butch blonde lady with the big sunglasses. R84, one comma in the quote and one after it -- two different speakers. She's the new CEO of Pacific Gas & Electric, the monopolistic public utility that has been through Chapter 11 bankruptcy and convicted of crimes for causing wildfires that destroyed towns and forests while killing people. George is smart and keeps sending Willoughby running off in the wrong direction, which Willoughby keeps falling for, to the extent of finally running off a cliff. "Butt suds." ( to whoever is responsible). Just saw through another Charmin ad with the bears with itchy rectums. It's the Christian duty to help the Jews they say, Jews far away in other lands. Any of their commercials. But I like the commercial, Llamas, not camels?, where the kid blows the crayons out his nose. HEEEEEEEEEELP!" I cannot count how many times that silly ad has been on during today alone. [quote]One that I'm loving is the True Classic Tee commercials. The Sad. R311, between that and WAP, we're clearly circling the drain as a nation. Also R115, her eyes are bloodshot and nasty. Yes, R275! Death or dead or passed away if theyre trying to be as sensitive as possible. First off it's one of those ads that don't really show what LM does for your car insurance or how you can customize it. It's available for anyone to see. Right now it's the one where the guy shows up in a full suit, rents a van, surfs, comes back, and doesn't just hug, but hug-attacks the "cool black guy" who rented it to him. These commercials are the absolute worst! I'm trying to watch a movie on Sling and this F-ing commercial plays 2-3 times each commercial break. ? So Its fly birth control? They are the boat builders. Speaking of Liberty Mutual, I want Doug inside of me *right now. The Ballsy ad with Pete Davidson shaving his balls. I HATE Liberty Mutual Commercials - YouTube The more I see that commercial, R101, the more I think the actress is not very skilled (overacting) and that it is the husband who supposed to be infirm. I hope you're right, R151. The first time I saw it, I had tears in my eyes. It's bad enough the Camp Lejeune crap is filling up my spam folder, but having to watch the commercials, especially from a company not composed of anyone with legal credentials, is pissing me the fuck off. Operating costs are US$7,298,000,000 (separate from claim payouts, which were US$29,932,000,000). cycloner29 Well-Known Member . May 7, 2022 0 The repetitive jingle for Liberty Mutual tops both the most hated and the most annoying lists but it also lands in the top 10 for catchiest. "Shh! R138 Thoshe commercialsh are my favoritesh! Nina was amazing! That's about 0.6% of their net revenue, or 4.2% of their operating costs. All the "Taltz" ads make my flesh crawl (and that song could render syrup of ipecac obsolete).