You do so much for this world we live in and give us all hope. Thank you. Since I have Aries ascendant, do you foresee changes in my love life with the nodes changing and eclipses? Donald never did have one, but perhaps Mr. Desantis does. 2022 has been a difficult year for Taurus, particularly the last six months. This year will put you strongly in touch with your value system and that of others. That ends in March when Pluto leaves Capricorn and goes to Aquarius. Thank you so much Jessica. You will happily gain a new title, reputation and appearance, after being offered an irresistible opportunity by May. Capricorn rules retirement as well as full-time work. Worldwide or certain areas? COVID AND UVC LIGHT Rents dropped. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. The North Node leaves your opposite sign of Gemini on January 19th 2022 and from that point forwards, your life begins again, either with the same person or someone new. The group may include you, very much, or be outside you, but you are central to it. What about Canada? Bitcoin made a new bear-market low. Two years before it happened, this forecast named September 2022 as a date to watch: We could speculate that the pound would be devalued, replaced or challenged. In fact, we have not only Mercury Retrograde but also Mars Retrograde (two backwards-moving planets) in this same chart zone, where you educate younger people, or raise them. This may be because of your website, blog, podcast or something you can hold in your hand. Will the economy prosper in 2023 and not be jeopardized by all those stupid policies being proposed? That stops in March. As Jupiter goes through Taurus he will trine your Capricorn stellium so you have considerable opportunities for success, May 2023 to May 2024. Saturn out of Aquarius, into Pisces. As I said, we really dont see Jupiter in Pisces, then Aries, like this very often. Once again keep up the good work, its truly helpful & insightful. Perhaps other Cancerians, Taureans, Leos and Virgos will be central. Forget the trivia and sheer speed of the worldwide web; this is a year to turn to those who have deeper vaults of information to mine. New translation options for the web that make the internet global for girls and women in developing countries. Join expert Astrologer Jessica Adams and ConsciousCafe to analyse the astrology of 2022.The year 2022 brings three rare astrology events into your life.Jupit. Can you shed any light on when this may happen for me? Cant wait for the uv-c lights for the home. Classically, this is actually a vow, before a celebrant, or perhaps in a Roman Catholic church, and so its really about the bible which rules the whole ceremony. This is extremely unusual. A smaller planet. You may well play the King or Queen to the needy in your life. Thats not enough, though. But the choice will be there. Cities will be problems because nobody has installed UVC light throughout despite being told repeatedly by science that it is the answer. The timing fits. Thank you waving to California from Melbourne. The past 10 years I have spent on self work getting over work issues and health issues. You may do this because you have to, or because you want to. I appreciate these words, it has ignited and validated me. Are you a Premium Member? It ends in March. That South Node in Scorpio transit is very important because it brings back karma from the past, either with the same group of people, or other friends, frenemies and groups yet with the same basic theme. Waving from the west coast of the USA. Nostradamus' SEVEN chilling 2022 predictions: From death of - The Sun Sagittarius, you have spent two long years with circular karma involving a duet or duel in your life. Jim Morrison, December 8th Keen to buy next year (hoping it will be our year), been trying for over 10 years. Amy Winehouse, September 14th. Sometimes there are two people involved, so typically, an ex-wife and a new girlfriend. Retrograde is backward or stuck. The science has backed the astrology and the variant I was concerned about in September (XBB) is now behind the dominant strain of Covid in America. From November 18th 1351 until June 6th 1353 we saw Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Taurus. Wishing everyone in this community loads of great stuff. March is an important month. Im wondering if its too late to buy now with Mercury retrograde. Thank you. as I have felt quite unsettled & unsure, given the sacrifice made will it offer any progression in the future?! I need to leave a toxic relationship but in order to do so I need to find my own place to live. Hi Jessica, just wanted to let you know that I think theres an error in the ABC Radio link you posted. The worst Covid crisis yet begins in March 2023. My partner is Sag.a nice person but not sure whether Im staying for the small financial support I receive from him. In addition I have a child whos still being schooled at home even though he would be much better served being around classmates and is falling behind. On January 10th, the first official death from COVID-19 in China occurred, followed by the 2020 stock market crash, from 20th February to 7th April. Predicted on 10th May 2022 about the future of cryptocurrency on November 11th 2022: A clash between individual greed and the welfare of the group. Children should have their childhood back. The generations are shown by the transit of the South Node in Scorpio in your natal Fourth House of family. Together you can build great things. Again, in March, I think you will figure out your strategy with the job. This rollercoaster with the world of books (this will have personal meaning for you) brings jaw-dropping highs. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. Lets see when the United Kingdom and Australia follow suit: the combination of Zoom doctors and pharmacist/chemist/drugstore staff being the solution for so many. So this is a huge change year and very welcome. The astrology of the 2022 Australian election shows delayed results, reshuffles during the campaign as well as post election, wrong calls by the media and a high chance of a hung parliament it may be that Treasurer Josh Frydenberg risks losing his seat.. Thank you so much Janie Bee, I know a lot of readers will appreciate this link. Applied for a new job on the new moon on 23 Dec. Hope I not only get it but interviews wont be terrible with Saturn any advice on when to schedule interviews? You will also save or make money from May 2023 to May 2024 and that opens a few windows for you. You owe or are owed. When will Mercury Retrograde increase the risk of rescheduling and cancellation in 2021 and 2022? Fishie. Happy new year. With transiting Jupiter (growth, hope, expansion, improvement) in Aries and your solar Eleventh House this year, there is fantastic potential in people power. ACN 644668431. LEO Well, that Brazil chart worked. You will be delighted with your new job offers or opportunities from May 2023 to May 2024 as Jupiter goes into your Tenth House of success in your public chart and in your private chart, he trines your Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of work. If your predictions for 2023 come to pass it doesnt look too bad, of course with the exception of your COVID prediction. Mercury is information and decision-making and retrograde he is backwards and forwards, and stuck, so you may prefer to choose later. Keep reading for diary dates and your Tarot reading for 2022. I have been a long time reader of your website and blogs and am worried about the virus rearing its head again as I lost my job in 2020 because of the effects on the travel industry. Have a wonderful new year and I look forward to reading your horoscopes and blog in 2023! This means the pressure is taken off doctors and hospitals so we all gain. Elvis Costello, August 25th This may have been a marriage, or the aftermath of a break-up, or a long period of professional rivalry. This can apply if you are a bookshop owner. This global pandemic enters the most critical phase yet from March 2023 in every country of the world and the science is already showing that the variant I predicted in September is the problem. I have had some complicated and exhausting years since 2008. My Aries Ascendant is at 18, so Saturn will still be in my 11th house even when Saturn moves into Pisces, will I need to wait for friendships to get better till Saturn moves into my 12th house? Trees replaced abandoned farms and deserted villages. If its going to happen, it would be news by March. With a group. You dont have to go with it. We see the North Node of karma going into the Seventh House of partnership, divorce, marriage, separation, common-law marriage from July 18th 2023 and it is there until January 11th 2025, by which time there will be closure. Weve not seen anything like this in our lifetime. Thank you for your good wishes for other readers and myself; Happy New Year. Your chosen field has been dotted with far too many of these faces since 2008 but its almost over. I hope we will be better equipped moving forward. Read More. Your career will look and feel completely different in March 2023 when the unsettled atmosphere of January and early February 2023 is over and you will see the end of a long period of difficulty with people or organisations basically power-tripping, manipulating or game-playing. as it would be so nice to move on from the past & have a brighter year to look forward to in that respect. The worst phase of Covid is coming from March, but the solution to Covid is also here. Your shared vision of what might come is the key. Then you go to the birth chart to see if the same life areas are picked up. You are a Sun Capricorn with stelliums in Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Libra. If you have time, can you tell me what you think 2023 will be like for me? You are a Sun Leo with the node at 0 Capricorn so March 2023 will change your life. Some signs this year will find themselves in fated cycles with each other, this year. Personally I am desperately hoping for a better 2023. The Tarot can help you; it is free to use on this website. NSW and Sydney show up as people power in March, with women forming one half of that, so the old system is dead. Are you going up, or going down? You can review premium membership plans, or purchase a membership, by clicking Premium Member Plans. Everything will come down to communication, tolerance and clear understanding between both of you/all of you in 2022. What should we understand by take promising ideas ? Your courtship/courtships for 2023-2024 are unpredictable, liberating, the last thing you expected, offer you space/independence and a zig-zag through life. The Libran child has anxiety and that can be cured. It will owe a great deal to karma from 18-19 years prior. One enthusiastically embraced by some Prime Ministers and Presidents. Location, location, location. Thank you for responding. Prince Charles will become king but his reign will not last long. I purchased my report for the 2023/ 2024 cycle. Michael Stipe, 4th January. There will be two kinds of global digital currency. The end of skyscrapers is something astrology also predicted. You have learned so much about friendship, real or fake, since 2008. You may feel that you are shut out then, or shut in. Paul Weller, 25th May Find out in our latest video.Astrologer Jessica Adams predicted the virus (twice) one year before it happened. The South Node has a peculiar habit of pulling you back, so in your case, you had the South Node in Sagittarius in 2021, but in 2022 it goes back one sign into Scorpio. I did my 2023 reading with a grouping of tarot cards, I use yearly. Just as they saw during the last cycle of Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, in 1350-1353 prices are rising. I am glad India is making N95 masks mandatory. Your Virgo Moon is really behind all this; your Moon is in the Sixth House of health and wellbeing so of course you have been powerfully affected by this pandemic. It will also help him to have a partnership of some sort, if he does not already have one. Speaking to Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield on. Listen here. More than one person will bring you a choice to form a duet, or reform a duet. You may already be in a professional duet, for example, but the word on that has to come from a superior. AQUARIUS Do you see a good outcome? When Pluto enters Aquarius at the end of March, you will also notice that too. Also , Do you think the new COVID variant will be related to Japan as I heard bird flu are serious over there recently. Hi Jessica, hope you are well & enjoyed the festive period. Its like The Beatles in 1969 and those around them. Spiritual growth is the outcome for you and your opposite number. It depends on your natal chart, but if you also have Taurus factors and/or Scorpio factors, Leo, you could end up far richer in 2022. Your career is not as important as you might think; these cycles arent long-term, so your focus may change later. I am pursuing a reliable natal chart for him now, thank you. The other really welcome change is the end of power and control issues with your career, industry, business, profession, academic career or unpaid work. It passes. I have always been the financial planner in my household, and OH is supportive of whatever choice I make, but right now cant tell if Im giving up, running out of steam, bored, avoiding change or responding to a call for change! Anyone like you who lives in Missouri, while Pluto is in Aquarius, should understand that collectively you can do anything. Soon after COVID-19 landed, the Tarot section of my website began registering the highest number of visitors in its history. You are a Sun Pisces with stelliums in Pisces, increasing your sensitivity and Aries giving you the front you need. It looks as though the variant the astrology predicted is with us, via reports in India and Australia. You will notice it immediately. You also have stelliums in Gemini and Sagittarius so should be writing if you are not already doing that (even keeping a journal or a Substack). Everything is potential, but everything is also possible far more than its been for years, Sagittarius. These predictions are fascinating and Im readying myself for the shocks of March! Love, depends on what you want from love. So it pays off long-term and he will be able to help other people. Thank you so much for your response Jessica. What is your life budget? This all comes from a prolonged transit of Gemini by Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde. The scales will balance. In other cases you may be turned off by the idea of a standard curriculum in a college, but be fascinated by short courses, or night classes. Yet, you cant have the brilliant rebirth, the stunning resurrection if you like, or the personal renaissance without the grit in the oyster. In fact, Ceres will be on your side from February 10th to May 15th 2022, which is enough time to get this budding success story off the ground. Are you a Premium Member? Jessica thank you! By that, I mean your home town or homeland. virgo:sun merk + Sagittarius:moon mars pluto lilith + leo:venus north node + taurus:jupiter saturn(both Retro) + aqu :uranus neptune s.node, Happy new year Jessica! ARIES I appreciate your comments and wish you a very happy new year. All around the world, governments and big business will support a new lifestyle. I know you receive hundreds of these requests so Im hoping that you are able to provide some feedback if time allows. I have a stellium in Aries and Taurus so Im hoping and praying 2023 is better in many aspects of life! I also have Jupiter in my 6th House until May 2023. Thank you so much in advance for your time and help!!! Thanks for everything Jessica, the website is such a source of support for so many including myself and wishing you a very Happy New Year. It is entirely possible that a group or friend is the key to the advantage we are seeing with property of course. You may want to read the long, detailed prediction which appears on the stroke of midnight, January 1st 2023, for Premium Members. Aquarius the Eleventh House is where we find your social life, groups, friendships, people power, communities, activism, team sport, team activities (like yoga or hiking) and where we also find Twitter. Saturn leaves Aquarius. Hoping something good is in my future for 2023. Do you have any thoughts on possible advances to the current approaches/policies regarding environmental issues . Dear Jessica I think you are amazing, fascinating and so kind. Thank you in advance. Your Asianscopes for May 2023 Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer David Hockney, 9th July. And its more extreme in 2022-2023 though this time its food. Pluto goes into Aquarius. A sudden reshuffle at work, home or university offers a lot. Premium Member? If your marriage is on the rocks you may split, at last but create a superior life around a child. Thank you. Just the way they did in the 1950s and 1960s. Find more great content like this at A new life online is also on offer and you will enjoy expanding your horizons on different websites. These signs, together, have interesting challenges, changes and choices involving groups in 2022. Asc with a stellium of Leo. Is that likely to change? As a Sun Sagittarius woman with a stellium in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of publishing, and a Gemini stellium in the Third House of media, you will write and/or broadcast your whole life. Try a three-deck reading on this website. Also love your one line predictions for each sign. That ends in July but there is a strong theme of owing others, and being owed. If you want a house or apartment, as well as a marriage, thats Cancer and the Fourth House. Fran. Whoopi Goldberg, November 13th This year can be about the Freemasons as much as it is about yoga or meditation groups. Happy New Year. In astrology, Aries rules the First House anyway, so this is a double whammy. Hi Jessica, thank you again for an amazing article. You will see world leaders Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India), Boris Johnson (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) and Joe Biden (President of the USA) transform their Climate Emergency policies by 2024 or be replaced by then. It really depends on your beliefs. Please keep reading for diary dates and your Tarot forecast. I dont know which country you live in, but Philips are selling HEPA filters with UVC light inside with excellent results in laboratory tests of Covid elimination. Thank you Fran. The wise men and women. Kate Moss, 16th January 2023 will be fascinating. Thank you for the COVID advice, of which I am certain has saved lives. This may be a website for children, or a determined grip on your biological clock. That was repeated in the Seventies (Womens Liberation) and this will be the third powerful triumph. Again, it will be March that is a turning point month when he really addresses the issue of his face, hair, body and clothes. Thank you. In fact, if you examine why you are so far apart from others, as the year develops, you will soon see that its about words and the way they are used. Jupiter is associated with blessings. Please keep reading if you are a Premium Member. It really depends on your values. You will also start to make or save quite a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 as Jupiter goes through Taurus. All the best. As we go into Pluto in Aquarius, we enter the same cycle that saw King George III step down in favour of the Prince Regent, which is something Carter could not possibly have known back in the 1940s; Her Majesty the Queen living to advanced old age was not thought of. This cycle runs until May 2023. Those with money have influence, dont they? You can find them earlier than that, but it is March that shows you how influential you can all be together as parents, for example. Something that changes in March, as Pluto (power) goes into Aquarius (people) is within schools themselves. Jessica Adams has a loyal fan base of over 2 million followers globally, each of them visit her astrology site on average 20 times each and every year for good reason: her predictions are so accurate that they simply cannot be ignored. Working people vote, and vote with their feet, and their purses or wallets and yet I would say half the population has forgotten its own power. That can happen on a double Jupiter and Chiron transit of Aries, your zodiac sign, as this unusual transit falls in your solar First House of image. Take the highs and the lows, and the bits in between. But as you indicated in your predictions, if COVID comes back in March worst than ever, than perhaps it may work???? Nostradamus predicted that. Do this progressively until so many connections have been made that it is not too difficult for all of them to join up. sorry Jessica another question if time allows. Women and girls in Scotland will win we wont wheesht! Pisces can so often end up everywhere, all the time, all over the place you know the feeling and it would be a shame not to tightly control the flow of money, or other resources, so that you make the most of it. Inflation is back. Psychic Predictions for 2023 - askAstrology Before we look at the astrology of 2023 , how about all the predictions which came true? Im afraid India is no different to China in terms of being vulnerable to new variants. Canada will partner with America far more from 2026 when selected US states will seek out Canadian closeness new transport and travel inventions will help create the new US-Canada relationship. Ive been waiting on acting on getting an intra company transfer to move from Canada to Europe or Australia in 2023. In this life you have been given the chance to use your power. Worldwide, new trade unions and professional organisations will rise from March 2023 and be all-powerful from 2026. I was born 26th February 1955 on a Saturday. No more kerosene. Julie. Let me explain. It will be powerful and empowering if you can use your willpower. Hi Jessica, Electric cars can only go so far. Saturn in conjunction with your Sun in Aquarius is a temporary tight set of restrictions on your friendships/groups and a passing test of your patience. UVC light, HEPA filters and if you want to DIY and save money, a Corsi Rosenthal box. There are some terrific things about 2023 including Jupiter in Aries (a new way to look better; perhaps at-home cosmetic injectables or new products for the face) and Jupiter in Taurus (you will be given digital credits of cryptocurrency for your presence on social media). In fact, your smaller local economy is the future. This is the famous Pluto in Capricorn relaunch, always at the end of a cycle. As you have a Libra stellium I suspect this is a new boyfriend; the return of a husband; the revival of an old relationship. The cycle ends next year, 2023, but not before you are tempted to take all the knowledge, all the wisdom, all the flashes of inspiration and take it somewhere, that it can all grow. Thats the message to you this year.