Knowl Manag Dev J 9(2):105124, Voorberg WH, Bekkers VJJM, Tummers LG (2014) A systematic review of co-creation and co-production: embarking on the social innovation journey. From the perspective of engaging with interest groups, and thus a consultative or consensus policy style, we might usefully divide agenda-setting instruments into types that seek to (a) routinise demands (such as consultations and stakeholder events), (b) regularise demands (such as legislative sunset clauses and scheduled reviews), or (c) generate demands (such as funding policy publics)., Article Daedalus 146(3):2838. [79] state that the PASE lead to the inclusion of important societal topics that may otherwise have been neglected by researchers. Other fields that frequently act as organisers of agenda setting activities, e.g. This includes the use of, for example, the use of advisory commissions, public inquiries, and citizen juries to inform policy deliberation; and the use of networks and partnerships in delivering public services, etc. By understanding the benefits and potential pit-falls, a group can capitalize on the virtues of group work and minimize the obstacles that hinder success. Comp Eur Politics 14(1):107124, Selin C, Rawlings KC, de Ridder-Vignone K, Sadowski J, Altamirano Allende C, Gano G, Davies SR, Guston DH (2016) Experiments in engagement: designing public engagement with science and technology for capacity building. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. As a result, advice-giving processes opened up to public participation, becoming a norm in, for instance, foresight [67]. (a) Democracy: counteracting a crisis of representative democracy by alleviating the general lack of transparency of political processes by involving the public more directly, ensuring a consideration of different opinions; (b) function: improving effectiveness of decisions on controversial issues when disagreement exists within scientific communities on a magnitude of problems and their solutions whilst public trust in experts simultaneously declines; (c) normativity: the moral obligation of involving a wider public in decisions on matters of public interest. This involvement can redress power imbalances in health research agenda setting [53]. Agenda-setting is the theory that the news media shapes how viewers perceive politics and, ultimately, how they vote. It might be fair to say that the three first three types of tools outlined in Table 1 apply a policy style more closely associated with the logic of negotiation (Jordan & Richardson, Citation1982), whereby groups and policymakers exchange access for input against the backdrop of receiving some of what they want much of the time. b. In terms of governing resources, we use Hoods four-fold classification of the types of resources governments use to effect change: nodality (understood as information and knowledge), authority (the sovereign right to effect compliance), treasure (the use of fiscal transfers), and organisation (the use of public ownership and agency). Since health research has been, until today, the most prominent scientific field that applies participatory agenda setting, taking a closer look at the abovementioned arguments is essential., Etzkowitz H, Leydesdorff L (1995) The triple helix -- university-industry-government relations: a laboratory for knowledge based economic development., Book Futures 107:98106. There are three broad avenues where this typology could be taken further. Abstract This chapter presents the various phases and questions concerning policy agenda setting. 3099067 NanoEthics 10(1):6374., Miller K, McAdam R, McAdam M (2018b) A systematic literature review of university technology transfer from a quadruple helix perspective: toward a research agenda. citizen juries versus task forces considering submissions), and design work required (Bali, Capano, & Ramesh, Citation2019). Participants described agenda setting and rated the importance of proposed domains. Do these vary across policy sectors? University of Westminster, London, Grunwald A (2019) The inherently democratic nature of technology assessment. Public Underst Sci 19(2):225239, Smith C (2014) Public engagement in prioritizing research proposals: a case study. Here, the earliest point for possible engagement can be found within the constituting phase of research agendas as topics, general lines of enquiry and targets are shaped in this phase. Terms and Conditions, Pagliarino et al. Whilst citizen science rather seldomly influences basic research agendas, it contributes to policy agenda setting, e.g. Kingdon: Theory of Multiple Streams Explains why some issues reach the agenda and are prominent and others are not. Governing future technologies: nanotechnology and the rise of an assessment regime. An Overview of Agenda Setting Theory in Mass Communications - Agenda Setting: Definition, Function, Process & Examples Additionally, Schroth et al. Most of the early work on policy tools focussed on the number and types of tools (see Hood, Citation1986; Kirschen et al., Citation1964; Lowi, Citation1966; Schneider & Ingram, Citation1990) with the aim to develop taxonomies and frameworks for describing how governments pursue policy goals in different policy sectors (Hood, Citation2007; Howlett, Citation2000; Salamon, Citation2002). When distributed ahead of the meeting, the agenda lets participants plan ahead in preparing materials or ideas on topics. A qualitative content analysis was performed by assigning categories to text passages as a qualitative-interpretative act, following content-analytical rule [76] to analyse content and contextual meaning of text passages [77]. From a policy-making perspective, the agenda-setting phase is crucial. To request a reprint or commercial or derivative permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below. [80] highlight how citizens input into holistic, systemic and transdisciplinary research displays high embeddedness into local, cultural, and social context. PASE activities, for instance in form of horizon scanning with participatory elements as established in foresight, can focus attention on emerging technologies and breakthroughs as well as emerging challenges and questions outside the present scope of the major scientific establishment on research agendas. Sci Public Policy 33(7):478488. Instead, a straightforward fourth set of instruments designed to impose an agenda can be considered. [85] analyse data from a participatory research agenda setting process for green care services which employ nature in a therapeutic context to offer well-being and health-promoting activities. While comparativists see the former as associated with pluralist and the latter corporatist systems (see Lijphart, Citation1999), others have argued that both styles of policymaking operate in all liberal democratic countries irrespective of system-level or institutional differences (Atkinson & Coleman, Citation1989; Cairney, Citation2018). Health Expect 18(6):24492464. Disentangling the uses of public engagement rhetoric in national research initiatives. Sci Technol Hum Values 30(2):251290. As TA is inherently democratic, it has actively promoted public engagement in science and technology, relying not only on functional arguments of inclusion in modern democracy, but also on a normative one such as the empowerment of citizens and stakeholders, and its value in itself [69]. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Extending the policy instruments approach to agenda-setting is a worthy endeavour, which creates additional opportunities for developing systematic insights into the way government goes about managing demands to recognise issues as public, and thereafter to give them attention. [80] support this and go further by stating that this adaptation of issues through translation, comparison, categorisation, and combination should be subject to close scrutiny, especially where different actor groups such as laypeople and experts are concerned. Here, they suggest that policymakers would opt for their desired outcome at the lowest possible cost but progressively turn to high-cost strategies (or terminate its opposition) in face of lack of success (ibid, 25). This has implications as governments and government agencies have differing capabilities to deploy these resources (see e.g. The term was first used by McCombs and Shaw in 1972 to refer to the mass media as laying emphasis on certain . Societal power relations, including inequalities, are reproduced within funding structures; consequently Fritz and Binder [83] note that demands for greater participation are irresponsible without respective adaptation of funding mechanisms. Modern sciences relationship with the public during the past century up until the present can roughly be divided into three distinct paradigmatic phases: science literacy (1960s onwards), public understanding (after 1985) and science and society (1990s to present) [22]. Agenda-setting is a vital element of the study of public policy. Tech Anal Strat Manag 25(1):3955. volume9, Articlenumber:8 (2021) [57, 90]. The agenda-setting influence of the news media is not limited to this initial step of focusing public attention on a particular topic. Pagliarino et al. Here are some prominent advantages of agenda-setting: Generates awareness: Agenda-setting can be beneficial as it highlights important societal issues by actively discussing them. The principal mechanisms that give effect to building consensus is acknowledgement and engagement. Yet, these seem to square quite well with the various guises that groups appear in the context of agenda-setting. One can imagine using parliamentary inquiries to foster new demands especially if they are committees chaired by opposition parties. For instance, research has shown that a small minority of all government consultations attract the majority of the group responses, with most being replied to by fewer than 10 actors (Baumgartner & Leech, Citation2001; Halpin, Citation2011). c., van Oost E, Kuhlmann S, Ordez-Matamoros G, Stegmaier P (2016) Futures of science with and for society: towards transformative policy orientations. Orienting research and innovation is a complex task in itself, and respective agenda setting processes have traditionally been expert-driven because scientific knowledge has long been considered the only appropriate form of knowledge for, e.g. sustainability and care [14]. I believe that there is just a thin line between framing and agenda setting. [82] find that facilitating the adaptation and translation of issues and concepts for specific target audiences is a key step that should receive greater attention in multi-stage processes., Weber KM, Amanatidou E, Erdmann L, Nieminen M (2016) Research and innovation futures: exploring new ways of doing and organizing knowledge creation. (2016). [85] describe how especially the creation of an open and informal platform supported the bridging of the science-society gap. Eur J Futur Res 9(1):2., Hinrichs MM, Johnston EW (2020) The creation of inclusive governance infrastructures through participatory agenda-setting. The study has shown that pertinent school sport and physical education policy issues, as supported by key role-players and principal actors, were initially not placed on the ., Peter M, Diektter T, Kremer K (2019) Participant outcomes of biodiversity citizen science projects: a systematic literature review. Regularise: In his work on agenda-setting in the US Congress, Walker (Citation1977) noted that periodically recurring agenda items such as budget appropriations, small amendments to Acts, mandated statutory reviews comprise the majority of what members of Congress attend to. The British policy style or the logic of negotiation?, Rowe G, Frewer LJ (2005) A typology of public engagement mechanisms. Similar work shows that not all groups follow the invitations of policymakers to respond. Technol Forecast Soc Chang 115:313326. Oxford University Press, Bora A, Hausendorf H (2006) Participatory science governance revisited: normative expectations versus empirical evidence. This article serves as introduction to this journals topical collection on participatory agenda setting for research and innovation (PASE). Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Agenda-setting instruments: means and strategies for the management of policy demands, The Australian National University, Australia, Mayflies and old bulls: Organization persistence in state interest communities, Strong states and weak states: Sectoral policy networks in advanced capitalist economies, Policy capacity: A design perspective. PDF Redalyc.THE TRIANGLE FORMED BY FRAMING, AGENDA-SETTING AND METACOVERAGE : a proposed framework for a trans-disciplinary analysis of sustainable development and social ecology. The three main components of the agenda-setting model. Sci Technol Hum Values 43(5):785809. The media also influence the next step in the communication process, our understanding and perspective on the topics in the news. Pagliarino et al. The agenda-setting theory rests on two basic assumptions. Differentiating between instrumental, structural, and discursive power, the authors uncover how funding bodies, researchers, and practitioners exert power over participatory processes, and how this limits participation in STI governance. The framing is based on the idea of how media base an event or an issue within a particular field of meaning which plays an important role in people's decision making . in environmental policy [62]. Scholars have a well-developed literature that captures the way policymakers deploy sets of policy instruments or tools to make or develop public policy., Chilvers JE, Kearnes ME (2016) Remaking participation. Den Haag, RMNO (Advisory Council for Spatial Planning, Nature and the Environment), Sotoudeh M, Gudowsky N (2018) Participatory foresight for technology assessment - towards an evaluation approach for knowledge co-creation. Yet, imposition is often swiftly followed up by efforts at (re)building policy communities anew (Halpin, Citation2002). Thus, we do not touch on an obvious case whereby external interests simply take on an antagonistic indirect strategy in engaging with government (see Binderkrantz, Citation2005). Examples of these are tools such as consultations, working groups or consultative committees. J Res Innov 6(2):119142. Here, a very early point of engagement can be found within the constituting phase of research agendas as topics, general lines of enquiry, and targets are shaped in this phase. According to Beebe and Masterson (2003), there are advantages and disadvantages to working in a group., Lee CW (2014) Do-it-yourself democracy: the rise of the public engagement industry. Finally, it might also be the case that this set of tools is deployed to, over time, bring sporadic agenda items into a more regularised mode of policy making. We know that events may well propel an issue onto the agenda, and, again, we can expect instruments to be deployed to bring these into a manageable mode. Hinrichs and Johnston [81] conclude that refined PASE can support the development of governance infrastructures that maintain inclusion and accountability of the public in the decision-making process, whilst Balzs et al. Policy Stream: In brief, the study of agenda setting concerns the ranking of government priorities. The first two paradigms were characterised by attributing knowledge and attitude deficiencies to the public, rendering it incapable of understanding science, with the result of limited appreciation for and raising fears of science (and technology). Increasing sciences responsiveness to society is a main pillar of RRI (Stilgoe, [91]) and a primary aim of most PASE activities since responsiveness can be reached, in terms of upstream engagement, by translating societal needs and values into research agendas [43, 71]. EASST Rev 14(1):1419, Carayannis EG, Campbell DFJ (2010) Triple helix, quadruple helix and quintuple helix and how do knowledge, innovation and the environment relate to each other? Within this nascent strand of the policy instruments literature, scholars aim to understand the instruments predominantly procedural that government uses to shape the issues that it has to address (in terms of both volume and content) (see Howlett & Shivakoti, Citation2014). In fact, studies have stated that framing is second-level agenda setting. This current topical collection collects theoretical contributions as well as empirical papers regarding cases and methods of participatory agenda setting activities to map international progress in this upcoming field of research and practice. Establishing and deepening networks between various actor groups can be a primary task of PASE activities, for instance when common concerns are addressed and mutual trust is built [84].